Diablo 4: The way to resolve the split between players who want trading, and those who don't

:rofl::rofl::rofl: This is going to make me go to bed with a smile.

creating solo mode would be the best choice to solve this trading/notrading thing in diablo community and splitting players shouldnt worry anyone cuz those who want to play solo and not trade items are doing that anyway now no matter how much more efficient is playing in group. Like me, many people enjoy playing alone and finding their own items by themselves.

I am generally not against trading unless it would allow players to simply buy the best gear on some illegal site or whatever.

and a question to OP. How exactly do you want trading to work?

Path of Exile incorporates this mode. Its called SSF (solo self found) – but you also can’t team up with people either.

There is no trading in RoS. There’s a very small window of time in which you can give someone an item if they were in your group when it dropped. That’s not trading, that’s “hey man this is better for you here ya go”.

Honestly I never bought items from websites in D2, nor did I care that others may have. As a player I would rather have a thriving economy with the 3rd party thing going on, than what we have now.

Trading feels good. You are giving something of value to receive something of value. When you found a good drop in D2 that wasn’t for your class, you still felt good knowing you can trade that for something good you wanted.

I wish they would bring back trading. But Blizzard probably won’t unless they can find a way to stop those illegal sites.

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That was epic, why do you need people to not make money off something before it can be enjoyable ?

I miss the AH and the RMAH, granted the drop rate now is better but the itemization of Vanilla was IMO way more fun and rewarding. This is coming from someone who has an insane amount of playtime in both. If it weren’t for the leaderboards and GR’s the game wouldve been dead so fast because no trading left us with no end game otherwise.


Joke of the century. You actually liked the utterly and completely broken itemization? There was absolutely nothing rewarding about it.


Trading can be easily replaced by an advanced crafting system and you will have old vanilla drop rates.

It depends what drop chances one prefers. Some people enjoy more farming with days for an upgrade than getting all in one day.

But back in vanilla days you had grind for months, not days, for a single upgrade. The drop rates were abysmally bad and itemization in general was so broken one was forced to use AH to actually make any progress. How can one enjoy something that awful?

Sure, the drop rates today have gone to the other extreme end but that’s the side effect of the massive power creep.


I personally consider drop rates the most problematic aspect of an aRPG. You can change and tune everything for each part of the player base besides these. Some people like them ultra rare, other ultra common. Let’s see what they choose for D4, I guess it would be something between D2 and D3.

I’d choose RoS launch drop rates. One could get legendaries with reasonable effort but they didn’t rain from the sky. You could go many many rifts without a single drop.


How was it broken? … Kinda along the lines of what Skelos replied…

In Vanilla, yes you had to farm forever to get decent gear or trade your way up, the drop rate was slightly low, sure, but actually by the end doing Crypt Runs expediently it wasn’t that bad.

What I like about Vanilla more is RoS absolutely destroyed items that were “epic” … and then final blow’d that with Primals – Getting an extremely good ancient was ROUGH and you know what IT SHOULD BE. The people I am concerned with the ones I socialize with and play with on this game PLAY THIS GAME EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYDAY for hours, which is not to say I dont care about the new comer, I’d love it if more people played the game. But this is not a mobile game, you should have to devote time into it if you want good gear. I do wish exp had less of an effect and items had more.

Nothing is Epic anymore… in Vanilla there were 6 primary affix rings, yellow items could be as good as sets, there was enjoyment in just finding rares… I mean you go from “hey this could be a BIS item” anytime you find a rare to LITERALLY worth less than a white or blue item because all it is is 1 yellow mat and blues and whites break down for more.

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Ya I actually liked the drop rates in early ROS… but I also remember defriending someone cause they destroyed a pair of frostburns when I had been looking for them for 2 months cause it was mandatory for doing t6 monk. Still a cool build tho miss it.

The key point to trading in a game like this, is the fact that everything that drops is not for your class and also drops are not 100% guaranteed like when defeating a rift guardian. The loot system of d3 is so boring and unrewarding. In diablo2 when you found a godly item it was a great feeling because A. You either used it or B. could trade it to someone for something you could use. I dont understand why so many people are anti trading. Its what made the game fun and rewarding along with the way loot dropped. 3rd party websites are not a issue when you control the hacks/botting. No one has the time to farm enough legit items to be able to have a mass item selling website. Its the botting that ruins the game not trading.

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RoS at launch was perhaps when the game was at it’s best imo.

In Vanilla only some legendaries were useful, the rest were trash, and most sets were completely useless.

You finally get that one item you’ve been grinding for months, only to discover after identifying it has the wrong main stat and the rest of the affixes are useless as well. 99.999999999999999999999999999% of the loot was that.


I think a good itemization may serve for a good item progression curve. What I mean is if they design Seasons to be shorter than in D3, say 2 months and majority of players play these, the item progression curve could be tuned at 2 months span, but for those at NS there has to exist something extra item related so that this keeps them playing and not a stupid main stat.

But they have to stop botting or D4 would quickly turn into parody and no one here wants this.

Being anti trading has nothing to do with being for low drop rates. We can easily have a game with 1/10th of D2 drop chances, no trading, but a good crafting system that will deliver you the same gameplay experience trading did in D2.

No sets just werent so OP they needed to be used… Tons of people used Nats, Zuni was pretty standard as was IK IIRC
[That being said I definitely don’t mind Sets being powerful]

There were also individual items from sets that worked well by themselves … Tals Ammy Innas Belt, pants for example.

What if instead of a seperate no trade mode, you just flag your character no trade when you create it. Everyone plays together.

But your character is flagged as no trade, in the form of a title you can proudly wear. You will appear on the main leaderboard, HOWEVER, there is also a seperate leaderboard for self found players only.

As I said most sets were useless. There was little point in using the Talrasha or Inna’s set as there were far better options. Blackthorne and crafted sets offered little to nothing as well. All in all, most sets were useless.

yea and now ALL rares are worth LESS than whites, but sets are given away for free at the beginning of the season and that still has hardly any impact because the only items that are notable have to be

[ These particular Affixes exactly ] if group pushing… 99% true for solo.

so how did itemization of ‘rewarding gameplay’ change at all if in the end you’re still getting a bunch of drops only to find they don’t have the correct affix. It’s just much easier to get okay items now-- which is at the sacrifice of making okay items usable [like early RoS]