Diablo 4 Release Date Analysis (Speculation)

If you are on the hype train Rhykker has a good review of the dates and the new books.

If you are into the lore this might be good for D4 :point_down:

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thought the hype train crashed, hows it going to be?

For some salty nerds maybe. Mine haven’t even left the station, and will not untill i have solid proof, that it will worth it.


That’ll make a nice birthday gift.

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Q1 2023 release seems like locked from what we know so far although I’d enjoy a larger early access period in order the game to be polished more with a release in late 2024.

It did in 2018. Some hardheads did not learn anything and will be taken for a ride on the new train.


Of the 3 books that one looked the most interesting and might relate to D4.

Indeed, I intend to get it once it hit the shelves. Knowing what Lorath has to go through while in the Horadrim would be a great read imo. Especially if it’s also after the events of the RoS.

I was hoping that maybe he formed a new order, but he said no one was left.

If he did form a new order it’d be during the events of Diablo 4 (which wouldn’t be too surprising since the Horadrim are in another great decline), in which we (the player) joins throughout the campaign. Of course, that’s assuming that Lorath is indeed the old man at the grave in the gameplay cutscene.

A polished game is one of the top desires of the Diablo community and for that to happen a longer early access period is needed.

Everybody knows D4 will be released February 5th 2024. I Don’t know why people keep speculating an earlier date.

Considering they have already said 2023, I am not sure how you come up with 2024.

I hope you are not related to Skelos the time traveler who is usually wrong on everything.

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I said D4 is coming 2022 in 2018. How is that wrong, chap? You suffer from time distortions or what? Check out time.is.

Video game delay, especially AAA games, is common.

So I wouldn’t bank much on the release date until the game actually released.

Not to argue with you, but investor reports are usually filled with favorable speculations and wishful thinking. Rarely are they based on facts.

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For 1 day of the year, I wear trainers.
For 364 days of the year, I wear brogues.

If someone said “Meteor usually wears brogues”, would pointing at me on the one day a year when I’m wearing trainers make the statement incorrect? No, and for the same reason, you pointing to one instance where you guessed right doesn’t alter the fact that most of your guesses are wrong.

You said :point_up_2: Reality check :point_down:


You now say :point_down:

I am always open to bets if anyone wants to question the validity of my guesses.

I just did above you are a false prophet, if you come from the future, you should be correct 100% of the time when posting on this forum. but that is not the case. You said 2022 you now say 2023. :dizzy:

Then bet against me and profit, or you know - stop trolling.