Diablo 4 PvP - Gladiator Hardcore Arena

Take this to the bank Blizzard. Gladiator Hardcore PvP Arena

To the Death. No potions allowed. No Exiting allowed. Confined area.
Only 1 player leaves alive.
Softcore and Hardcore allowed to participate.(To the death)
Allow matches to be observed.

Skull trophies similar to what the Predators carry.
Titles to the victors.
Additional Cosmetics to the victors.
The victor takes the spoils.

Dark. Brutal. Rewarding. Entertaining. Unheard of.

PvP at its finest.


Still not fun enough. After a few hours it will get boring. PvP is very hard to make enjoyable. There has to be a worthy enough reward or it must bring some kind of laughter or joy or satisfaction. Just killing another player will get boring. Imagine me doing ww the whole time while you try chasing me and eventually die and get frustrated.

Didn’t understand this part do softcore chars also die permanently? If so, then I think that’s a bad idea, people make softcore characters to not lose them, and this mode would be “unplayable” for them.

Making separated arenas for each type of character seems like a better idea, hardcore is of course you die and don’t come back, softcore you revive in town.

Did you do a lot of D2 dueling? I loved Hardcore dueling, both high level and low level. Whirlwind was not autowin by any stretch of the imagination.

Also, did you ever do Hardcore dueling? Pretty intense when your characters life is on the line.

This is also an idea for just 1 mode. Can certainly have regular PvP, varied maps, 2v2, 3v3 etc.

I meant that Softcore characters could CHOOSE to participate in to the death duels, assuming the Hardcore players were willing to duel them. More choice is never a bad thing. I imagine some softcore players would delve into this, especially for PvP purposes.

I’m all for having multiple types of PvP. This is just 1 specific mode that anyone could participate in.


I wouldn’t participate in such a fight. It would be too upsetting if I die. And it wouldn’t bring me much joy knowing I ruined someone’s day and probably deeply upset them. Only a small niche players could enjoy such an event.

I like this idea, a massive arena in hardcore, a lot of characters only 1 survivor.


I understand there are a lot of people that wouldn’t play, but I also think you underestimate how many would, and how much interest could be driven by a mode that limits cheating and has clear rules. Low level dueling was also very popular, and took much less investment. Level 9, 12, 14, 18, 33, 37, 40’s ranges were all common on Hardcore. I didn’t get into dueling until YEARS of regular gaming had gone by. Only so much can be invested in PvM characters before you run out of stuff to do. The wealth I had acquired over years of time fueled my PvP.

Quite frankly, when you accepted the duel, you know what you are getting into. The ultimate test of your character and your reactions.


I would battle another player for an item. I put up an item and so does the opponent. The winner gets the item. The loser gets to keep their life and not too upset over losing an item. It would be more like gambling without severe consequence.

As stated earlier, I’m all for multiple modes! Freedom of choice is what makes games great.

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There is such a huge difficulty on making it possible. Just imagine the level of balance that the game must have so that a Hardcore PvP death match can be fair!

D3 couldn’t even find a PvP balance to make it implementable (maybe by choice, maybe not).
D3 still have major balance issues and every patch comes with a river of player tears, whinning to buff this, buff that.

Not saying it’s impossible, but it’s unlikely.

The cry would be too loud and the backlash too severe.

And it will already happen with regular PvP, mark my words. People are gonna cry out loud on the forums: “PVP is broken! PVP is unfair! PVP is unbalanced! Class A is useless for PVP! Class B is awful! Class C is oneshoted Everytime.”

So let me get this straight, you want to do hundreds of hours in HC to level your char and get good gear. Only to to lose it all in a few seconds in a pvp fight? That does not sound like my kind of fun game to be honest.

I think it could be interesting in between seasons. Once you’ve completed your seasonal push for a top clear there’s not much to do aside from sort through stash space and dink around. Typically that period is a bit of a ghost town on the server these days.

If you throw in a death match PVP arena during that lull that would be a pretty intense experience and I’m sure quite a few people would play, myself included. Best case scenario, you win a few matches with multiple characters and you get to enjoy the thrill of victory and some bragging rights. Worst case, you free up some stash space and have some available slots to rebirth in preparation of the new season. I think this is a fantastic idea but clearly not for everyone. Honor to the fallen.

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Aka the trolls & griefers who make D2 online suck so much.

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People already cry every day, every hour, every patch about this that or the other.

D2 PvP certainly wasn’t perfectly balanced by any stretch of the imagination. Just let the meta work itself out, let some people get imaginative, and see where the chips fall. It is what it is.

The Dueling Hardcore scene was quite active in its glory days, especially the low level dueling. Lvls 9-45 were fairly easy to manage, and not all that expensive, unless you were the top top top top top top person.

This is an especially good time to do something like this. Considering many players never touch nonladder characters. Imagine the tournaments that people could hold for something like this at the end of each season.

You may be right that many of those types of people would gravitate to such a thing…but remember, this isn’t open D2 dueling/griefing. This is by the rules, can’t trigger hack, can’t chicken hack, can’t escape, watched by blizzard event.

Completely different than what most of those types of kids were doing.

As an Hardcore dueler in d2 top tier i must say that there is a sertain amount of people that transisted from softcore to Hardcore simply because the game got booring and The thrill went away from playing softcore and all you did was baalruns or cow lvls… I’m talking from my own experience. I’ve played d2 since it’s release and I have been in the top duel & low lvl duel scene in eu. There is no feeling in any gamemode that beats the thrill of 2 guys compeeting with their experience and character on stake. I mean freedom of choise… I guarantee vote for a hc pvp permadeath mode… I mean why the Diablo not…

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Lol! Have you played any other game in your entire life, outside of D3? PVP is easily the funnest part about gaming. All of the games with the highest player counts have PVP. Most of them are PVP only, without any option to go all care-bear like D3.

99% of the games in D2 consisted of at least some PVP.

I really like the idea of titles, trophies, and cosmetics. I’d love to see something like this in the game.

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something i’ve been hoping for since d2. i really hope they take pvp seriously.

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