No idea where to post this - but it needs to be addressed. What you’re doing with the pvp zone/shards is a terrible idea. Look no further than the abysmal Dark Zone in the Division.
This zone is fun for the first week of the game, but only for content creators and other people that can sit behind their computer for 16+ hours a day and “make a living playing a video game”. They will work together as content creators and catapult themselves ahead of everyone else.
Then, they’ll get bored, and sit and grief other players that are hundreds of hours behind in zone progression. What you are creating with this zone is no different. It’s a fun concept in internal testing, when everyone plays similar, and everyone plays roughly the same amount of time. It is NOT enjoyable at launch, to the larger playerbase.
It has nothing to do with the pvp specific part of the zone, it has everything to do with content creators becoming “bored” and finding ways to have fun by stopping others from doing the thing they teamed up with their other streaming buddies to do.