Diablo 4 must not have trading

I never felt this way. When I finally got what I was looking for (NOT BiS mind you), I wasn’t happy. I felt like, “Finally! I can move on with my life…” All I was trying to do was build a set that was fun. Since D3’s itemization is trash, I couldn’t have all the fun.

I can’t feel good about RNG, low drop rates, with a long boring grind with no end in sight. There is no feeling of progression, only the feeling of farming and grinding. Except farming and grinding isn’t even an accurate description for what happens in Diablo. It’s a constant slot machine. That’s not fun.

I feel like you’re missing my point where you enjoy the grind and farming the same content over and over. Something I don’t care for. D3 had no sense of progression. Then Blizz had the bright idea of adding BS (paragon, seasons, rifts that go on forever…) instead of actual content. Cause they just couldn’t let the game die.

I understand people like this about Diablo games. I don’t care as long as my time spent is being spent towards something. Progression. If they drop the ball on combat, I may give this game a pass.
Magic Find is still based on RNG, which I don’t care for. There needs to be some system where I have a play session, and it wasn’t a complete waste of time. This was the case in all Diablo games. Fighting RNG to RNG with mats, then use gold to keep RNG’ing, but you want to enhance the item you RNG’ed by RNG’ing some more. I’m done with that.

Blizz will need to innovate (change up the formula) in some way. Unfortunately, all this chatter about “trying” to improve the game is for naught. It’s a few months till release. Most things are already set in stone.

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il be quiq fk uuUUUUuuu

This. A thousand times this. The problem of trying to find the Band of Might or Ring of Royal Grandeur that you absolutely need to make progress is maddening. But, when ever people complain about it the “I’m in groups speed running GR90, why aren’t you?” crowd shouts down any attempt at changing it. Group or perish is the solution to pretty much every problem in Diablo.

My point is that trading is moot if you know what youre doing.

And yes leagues have huge impact on the accessibility of crafting and materials.

But hey, way to pick out one thing and critizise it out of context of the whole post…

The problem with those are not the RNG imo.
The problem is “items you absolutely need to make progress”. Someone (aka. Blizzard) completely dropped the ball on itemization for that to happen. It should be reasonable to progress even without finding those “BiS” items. D2, despite its many flaws, did that pretty well. At least until Runewords came along and screwed with things.

Another of their massive failures. Solo and grouping should be equal in challenge and rewards.

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But next to nobody wants Band of Might or RoRG for BiS. They simply want the effect and can’t even get one to cube. Most seasons I’ve got piles of useless Act I mats that I’ll never use from farming 30-40 chests before I finally get that damn first RoRG to drop. That’s the “joy” of hiding everything behind bloated loot tables and crummy RNG.

They did announce in the latest dev interviews that some targeting items was possible.

Dungeons will have increased drop chances for certain armour pieces. It will also rotate so it’s not the same all the time. For example, some dungeons may be good for helmets, then next week it rotates and all the helmet dungeons have increased chances for other armour pieces depending on what they rolled.

Combine targeting dungeons with 70/30 split loot for your classes items and this is all I want.

In an interview with David Kim in 2019 he said about crafting that if you spend your time to get the recipes and crafting mats that it should be “worth your while”.

So you might get your wish with some crafted items.

Personally I think Diablo should be all about drops but I guess if the crafting mats require equally as hard to get certain high tier crafting mats, I guess it would pretty much be the same as having an item drop. Chest, boots etc.

Think about it. U should be able to figure it out


If you put RNG on the mats/items needed to obtain said item, then it makes no difference.

One is RNG to find the thing you want.
The other is to work and spend time getting guaranteed drops to get said item. Yes, it will take some time, but at least I’m playing the game AND working towards something. I’m not at the mercy of RNG. RNG can somehow give me what I’m looking for sooner than I can gather the items to obtain it. If RNG doesn’t want to give me the item, at least I made some progress towards it.

I’m saying that working towards something doesn’t mean easy mode to get what you want. You build up to it. Slow and steady with an assured result.

The interview in 2019 doesn’t mean anything. Blizz has a track record of cherry picking questions and avoiding the real questions that matter. They also have no qualms of lying to their consumers. Blizz can say what they want. I won’t trust anything they say. Just show me the product.

I just don’t think this is what Diablo is about. This sounds mmoey to me.

I don’t like it. The sandbox nature of monster killing and hunting that rare drop, not being on a treadmill progression system like mmo’s is what the core of Diablo is about.

You’re mixing genres and not using the correct definition.

You do what you want in a sandbox. You can keep building from the very beginning. You’re at times given all the tools.

In Diablo you kill the same thing over and over in the same content with the hope you get what you’re looking for. Once you collect the items, only then will you do something of sandboxing with item builds and respeccing. Even respeccing it sacrilege.

The hunt for the item can be fun. I agree. But if it takes ages, then it is not fun.

The progression ends quickly once you finish leveling up to max, and finishing the story. The game is done in maybe 4 hours. There needs to be a point to collecting better gear for the cool effects. If it’s a collect-a-thon, this sucks.

Yeah, really not a fan of that. Like D:Is codex stuff, that is telling players which dungeon they have to run each day, just because they need a helmet.
Crafted Magic Find buffs puts the power and decision in the hand of the player.

Sure, it shouldnt be an absurd grind. But you can keep the RNG and make it reasonable to find items, by adjusting droprates. Of course we might not agree what a reasonable time is :smiley:
In D3 it goes way, way too fast imo. In D2, for at least some items, it takes too long (like people farming for many years, if not decades, to see specific uniques dropping). That said, imo for specific rares, given that there are probably billions variations, it is okay if you never find a specific rare. As long as you can find one that is reasonably close (like same 6 affixes, but not max rolled, or 1 affix is different, but still useful, however the rolls are maxed, and so on).
Finding something that is ~95% BiS should be reasonably realistic. Finding perfection might be, and should be, relatively impossible. But also not needed for anything in the game.

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Well let me put it in a language you’ll understand then.

Filling up a bar type progressions systems should not exist in Diablo 4 they are not a replacement nor should they exist alongside the drop system that Diablo has built it’s entire core gameplay on.

I’m only ok with crafted items if they also require high tier crafting mats that are hard to drop.

I actually thought D3 was slow to find a specific legendary just to try out a build. I’m not even talking about the stats, just the effect. You don’t really go to a specific mob to get that sword. You can go anywhere and find anything.

If I were to give a rough estimate. It shouldn’t take more than a week of casual play of say, 2-3 hours a night, targeting a specific item. Assuming it is rare where one would actually want to collect it to try different builds. Yet, I have no idea if you can go to specific mobs that have a loot table. Of course this is just opinion and subject to change, wildly!

I just feel there needs something where Diablo doesn’t have to be associated with grind or farm. Cause both words just sound disheartening for this type of game. I want to hear, awesome combat, satisfying loot, great thoughtful fights, great story, the freedom to build your character with lots of options to be unique…

Next time you reply to me, show some respect, lest you want me to talk down to you too.

I understood what you said 2 posts ago. You want RNG to find loot. You’re against progression. You can move on from speaking with me cause there is not much more for you to say.

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If you’re going to mansplain me on the word sandbox this is the reply you deserve.

This is precisely what Diablo is and should always be.

Yeah, then we definitely dont agree on the timeframe :smiley:

That is not really fair either.
You definitely can have progression with RNG. I mean, D2 and D3 both have plenty of power progression.

Then speak like you know what you’re talking about so I don’t have to spell it out for you. Are you touchy because you’re self-conscience about your intelligence? Or perhaps sexist? Both?

Yeah, and it sucks. It’s great if you’re a masochist.

I had a feeling. I’m usually the unpopular opinion when it comes to Diablo on various aspects.

I agree. I just don’t want to hate the process of progressing.

I don’t remember much of D2 and how it’s systems worked. I just played the story and that was it. I actually looked for pieces that had nova on every piece, a lot of them were easy to find from a vendor. Actually lagged the heck out of the game when hitting and getting hit. After the lag, everything was dead.
D3: You don’t mean paragons, right? I do agree you hit the end-game loot hunt extremely quick.

I like it. It stops people running the same dungeons over and over. Once you’ve got lots of keys for dungeons you might be tempted still to run one particular dungeon over others because it has the fastest clear speed and you just want to get to the boss fastest to get the drop chance.

If dungeons have specific drops that are good for you to run them for AND it rotates this, it switches up your dungeon runs naturally without you feeling tempted to keep running one dungeon for faster clear speeds.

Some dungeons would be the most efficient and therefore most farmed, kind of making other dungeons not as viable or obsolete. Everyone knows if the time it takes to get something to drop is in the hundreds or thousands of runs, we all get tempted to take the shortest route. The drop becomes more important than my fun.

This way I’m forced to have fun with a variety of dungeons to find my item.

I think it’s a great system.

Lol I’m the one who’s touchy? Seems like I’m taking up free real estate in your head bro. Learn how to farm hard drop chances or don’t get loot. Your easy progression system is for players that want everything handed to them. Diablo is not about this.

Rare items should be rare and hard to find. If u don’t like the loot chase you are in the wrong genre.

I very much agree with that goal.

But it seems like it basically “forces” you to do that one dungeon for the whole week, if you are looking for a helmet? Seems terrible.
Should rather go the opposite direction and reward people for doing new dungeons every single time.
Like a MF buff if you do a different dungeon than the last one you you were in.
Same with all activities really. If you did a dungeon, give a MF buff for doing a world event, etc. Reward people for not mindlessly farming the same thing (since as you say, doing the same thing repeatedly will otherwise be more efficient).

Blizzards solution seems to outright encourage farming the same thing, so the direct opposite of what their goal was.