Diablo 4 MMORPG Shared World is very nice!

I think it’s good that Blizzard does the MMORPG and Shared World, it makes the game more versatile and fun, PvP in the open world is simply legendary. I just hope that Diablo 4 does not mess up the trade and what you find should be interchangeable.

Nice for some, but it must be optional.

Unlike the OP, I like to play Diablo alone at my own pace. Occasionally with RL friends. What I specifically don’t want is to see other random characters running around on my screen in my world.


I should have the option to create private games, as I have always been able to do in previous Diablo games.


I totally agree, I love playing with others over the world rather solo and boring!
And now we will be able to do that, in my favorite game :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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then you have to play offline if you do not like it :wink:

I’m hoping there will at least be an option to hide other players.