Diablo 4: Make the Globe better

Instead of having monsters randomly drop a health globe in D4 as D3 did, make them drop a variety of globes like Damage globe, Cooldown globe, Resource globe, Speed globe, Exp globe and etc for the D4 version.

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play god of war there lots of globes

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With stackable potions there is no need for any mobs other than bosses/elites to drop them and by them I mean 1. Even then make it a rejuv globe.


No/Zero health globes would be the best.

We already have this discussion in other threads. Majority is hopefully against d3 health globes.

Health potions and lifeleech affixes are much more better imo.

Go away from d iii.

Same with laser orbs and other unnormal-diablo stuff.

the only globes i liked in d iii was the nephalem/mf globes. They was shortly ingame and dropped from champions. After picked enough of it our mf was raised for an half hour (just in the same game, when u started a new game u lost it). [maybe i remember wrong and it was after playing 30min. possible to get them from champs, not earlier and after killing enough monsters in the time].

Don’t remeber if it was before RoS or in it. But it was earlie.


I feel like this is sarcasm.
So, I agree with you that we should not go down this route with D4. It breaks immersion and creates too much clutter.

God! Please! No! No! Nooooooo!


kill pack leave globes lure hard enemys to globes and abuse this game style 24/7 realy fun?

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Manually picking up globes isn’t very fun, but it’s a better mechanic than potions. These two are pretty outdated and I’d be surprised to see them in Diablo 4 on launch. I hope the D4 dev team isn’t THAT desperate to include them.

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Considering the source, probably not.

Anyway, no thanks to all kinds of globes dropping.
But let some characters build for health globes proc chances. Health globes as a mechanism is good. Making it a system everyone has to use is not good.

Yeah, stackable potions seems like such a stepback.

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Yes, D4 needs to be Mario meets Sonic.


Assuming health globes remain for Diablo 4; I’d actually hope they operate a tad differently. So rather them simply healing a player, they instead give players a temporary buff that increases the healing amount of the next potion they drank. Up to 3 of these buffs can be stacked.

So for example, if a person gets a health globe (or whatever health object, I care not for it’s appearance), the next 30 seconds, they’ll have a buff that increase the healing of the next potion they drink by 20%.

they said D4 goin back to roots of D2 so no globes and we seen no globes in demos


Or monsters dropping negative effect orbs so when players take they BOOOM. Interesting, but no fun. Outdated.

Orbs, potions - begone for better mechanics.

and Life Leech affix if possible.

Interesting idea. Not sure about the specific mechanism. At minimum 1) I need to expect to use a healing potion within 30 sec, 2) I have to expect that the healing amount I need will benefit from a 20% increase. At some point id probably just pick those orbs up as soon as they drop, if they are nearby, or ignore them if they are not, due to the benefit being too unpredictable. Removing the tactical decision of when to pick up orbs during combat.
Maybe, if the benefit was a lot shorter, like 5 seconds, then you only start to pick up the orbs when you already know you want to use a healing potion, as in after taking damage. That could lead to some risk/reward decisions of trying to grab a few orbs, while already at low health, before drinking your potion. That could be quite fun.
Also bringing it much close to what the D3 mechanism was meant to be, albeit tying it to the healing potion, so you would not want to pick up orbs all the time, since your potion is not ready all the time. Which could kinda solve the problem with orbs spawning too often. Since you couldnt use that many orbs anyway.

Alternatively, what if the orbs instead lowered your cooldown of healing potions.
That way for each orb that has dropped in a fight, the cost of using a healing potion goes down. You got 3 unused orbs sitting around in the combat area? Drink a potion to heal, 30 sec cooldown is started. Run over to those 3 orbs to get a -5 sec cd from each. Now I get my potion back in 15 sec instead. More similar to the 5 sec mechanism effect above, in terms of choosing when to pick up orbs, just without the danger aspect. So I kinda like the former more, but this mechanism would be easier to use, which might be a good, or bad, thing.

I also agre about the appearance part, if people has a specific issue with the orbs looking like orbs, then it can look like whatever else.

Why you don’t like life leech?

Life leech is fine, but can be dangerous if unbalanced. It should not be % based at least.
Also keep the values low. Life leech should be an option favored by builds with very high attack speed, probably mostly builds using low cost/free/generator skills too.

Which goes for all healing types; each should have a niche. Builds they work better for.
For health orbs, that niche should be mobility builds. Builds that can quickly (relatively speaking) move around the combat area, picking up the orbs. Whereas a slow tanky build might be unable to properly benefit from them.

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Indeed. Part of the intention behind the idea is that rather than Health Globes being either needed (if you’re low on health), or unneeded (if you’re full on health) when they drop; they are instead something that could be of use for a certain duration once acquired. Although duration can certainly be adjusted, as I just threw the idea together without significant consideration.

Not surprising, life leech, if not balanced properly can lead to the affix significantly outclassing nearly all other forms of healing and rendering them obsolete (especially if it works with nearly all forms of damage types). Anyone who played Diablo 3 vanilla knows how powerful life steal can be.

True, my suggestion was mostly a what if suggestion.

We’ve already seen it. You have multiple potions. Still one slot and they have a CD, but you need to buy/find them.

We’ve also not seen a bunch of stuff and things can always change.