Diablo 4 complain

So blizzard I was hoping that you would put some type of companion in like diablo 3. But I want you guys to make the better/stronger. Making the more useful in the game and have a little more skills to them. I like having companions in the game while playing solo. I hope you guys see this and see what you can do. Thanks

Are you for real kid?

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actually there is next Season 20 have you not heard about it? many leaks that almost everyone is talking about it.

Season 20 Season of the Town

Season 20 Buff: Everytime you spend Time in town while other players is playing the game, you gain extra 500% town Damage & gain extra 1000% experience staying in town, the buff is gone if you start to play or leave town.


you do realize they are really going out of their way to make D4 as less solo as possible right? the chances of them seeing this, or caring about this? slim to none… even though they said they’d be active, we’ve had maybe 1 blue post since this forum was created.

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U forgot the part where every enemy killed increases ur exp by 1% lol… Kill 1000 enemies in a GR or Neph u get a 1000% exp added to ur turn in :slight_smile:

They don’t like solo players playing D3.

Playing D3 solo is a lot harder than in groups.

Playing in groups you can level up 3x as fast, it is legalized cheating! LOL.

But it was a lot more fun to get my angel goblin 100% Solo. No shortcuts!

For D4, it will be like mmorpg-like.

Solo will kinda, sort of but not really exist.

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I just went and got diablo 4 for my brother and you can’t play the darn thing unless your online my brother loves diablo thanks for ruining an injured navy guys game for him he ain’t got much to look forward to because he’s messed up from serving in the military to keep yall safe and now he’s messed up and yall mess up the one of the few things he enjoys shame on yall iam highly upset theirs no call for no offline play it’s pointless since when did dialblo become an mmorg yall ruined it for him I hope yall are happy