Diablo 4 BETA signups are OPEN

You need to read OP. There is datamined info that is legit aka we already know a release announcement is coming this summer.

Has he ever been correct, coming from the future you would think he would have the correct information.

Perhaps the act of time traveling itself had resulted in a butterfly effect.

No we dont. It might come, but definitely isn’t guaranteed.
Anyway, I was specifically commenting on your twitter post, which is pure nonsense. Why the heck would Diablo 4 be on a MS showcase event.

Seems likely. Skelos predictions were 100% accurate. If not for his interference, Diablo 4 would have released a year ago, with the first true AI enemies and item design, and everyone would have rejoiced and decided to declare world peace. But alas, it was not to be. Thank you…

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We’ll see. Twitter source is good. D4 release date announcement is coming Q2/Q3. If you really believe otherwise we can make a bet or you troll as always.

Cool if true, if not… well we are one day closer than yesterday :slight_smile:

I’ll gladly make a bet that D4 release date wont be announced at a Microsoft event in June.
$10000? How do we make sure you pay?

Expect the worst and you won’t be disappointed LOL.

Whatever the date ends up being… Anyone who preorders D4 is nuts.

Wasn’t Warcraft reforged and D2R enough reason why?

The default thing to do with any triple A game anymore should be “wait and see” at least a few months.

But if you really can’t wait… Well thanks for testing for the more patient people. If nothing else, the crying on the forums will be endless entertainment like it was for D2R if the game sucks or has problems. The D2 fans will hate it and let everything know about it no matter what.

Any source you get your info from cannot be good sonce you are batting .000 in all ypur prognostications.

I haven’t said that. I said Q3/Q4. Stop trolling.

Actually you didn’t.

Preorders period is kinda idiotic if you ask me.

Idiotic if you don’t support it.

Yeah? Personally I find it utterly moronic to pay for a product that hasn’t actually been produced.

Well each to their own.

You’re not wrong, but there are a heap of downsides to pre-ordering, zero upsides, at least where digital items are concerned.

Well if there is then at least i won’t lose out.

Time is in flux as a time traveler, I get that, but still, this just seems like moving the goal post.

As for preorders, people should not preorder. It is a bad idea. Heck, waiting some days after release is the smart approach.
I still do it too though. If you know you will get the game, it doesn’t make a difference, and sometimes, especially for PC games, you can get them on sale before release, which means you would pay a premium if you by it right after release. That doesn’t happen with Blizzard games though.

I will gladly crowdfund a game on the other hand. Helping out smaller developers bringing their product to life. That is great. Blizzard doesnt exactly need our help with that.

He walks right into it sometimes.

D4 Q1 23 release = more than possible.