Diablo 4 BETA signups are OPEN

What if he knows to write a note to himself with the facts he’s forgotten in the future he comes from?

Then there’s that barefoot guy on the way to the supermarket in that open field,wearing a sheet with rope as a belt, says the world is ending in 58 days.


You’d get access to D4 forums and possibly Beta if they organize events for keys there.

I am pre-ordering biggest package the moment they announce it.

I usually do not pre-order games, but for D4 I will probably make an exception :wink:

Yeh, D4 is instant pre order… pre ordered WoW BfA/SL and regret it dearly… though D4 is in another league :slight_smile:

Blizzard has had digital collectors editions for at least a decade at this point.

Isn’t that just the digital deluxe?

Unless they have cross game goodies I like that will expire before day 1, I see no need to preorder since I’m all digital these days and work on release days. So I’ll buy the morning of and let it install while at work.

Has he ever been correct? Let’s hope he is with this one.

D4 is produced to replace WoW as income for the company. It will be massive.

You say that as if you believe WoW is going anywhere anytime soon.

Not once that I can recall has his vast knowledge of the future has ever proven to be correct.

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It is the D3 forums very own Michael Pachter. When a prediction is made, the future changes to contradict it.
Maybe we would all be playing D4 right now otherwise :confused:


God damn him. I knew it was supposed to be out by now.


ROFL, haha nice one!

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June 12th - are you ready?

If true and I say if (you have been wrong several times before), maybe it will coincide with the next blog.
I will believe it when I see it. No more speculation hype train for me just to get derailed.

Come on brotha, everyone loves hypopotamus. Who is the biggest one in the room and which one makes the largest feces?

I think the next blog will release between June 2nd and June 22nd, since it coincides with Immortal.

No release date on Avowed? Meh, nothing matters then.

Anyway, all the titles on that list is games MS owns, except Diablo 4. It makes no sense it would be there with those games.
That twitter account doesnt exactly strike me as a trustworthy source :smiley:
I give it 1 out 10. And that is just being kind. It actually is 0 of 10.
Same goes for Skelos predictions in general.

Stupid thread is stupid.