Diablo 3 wont start after Diablo 4 update

After I go to reclaim my items in Diablo 4 after an update. Diablo 3 now doesn’t work and prompted me with this: FC2FD1D0-1538-4A64-B0CA-C2798F5601F6 right before the game would open. Do I need to uninstall re-install? I’ve already tried the scan and repair tool and stopped around 80% with oops something went wrong prompt.

Hey Gavriel,

Thanks for giving the error code, it did give a little bit of information. Before we go down the route of reinstalling the game let’'s try the following two steps first.

• Delete the prefs file. This will return everything to defaults.
Go to the Documents folder.
Select the Diablo III folder.
Select the D3prefs.txt and delete it (this will be recreated)

• Sometimes admin privileges are not always set the way we need them to be sometimes they get all wonky an no longer cover the programs we need them to. Creating a new admin account will make sure that everything is set as it should be.