So i watch everyone else get 5 upgrades while i get 5 fails every time?
Here’s what I wanna know:
Why are you connecting this to a Torment increase?
Sometimes you fail hard enough to get a bonus 6th fail added in.
Well, if Blizzard wants to increase the Torment level, they need to extend the background art to fit T17+ into it. The current background art for T16 stopped at Wizard character.
And since Diablo Legacy just got a new artist, so I am simply speculating on what (and how) they want to do with her ability at this moment, and background art was one of the things that popped out from my mind.
That background art repeats itself if you just look over to the previous artwork in the scale; it’s a repeating panaromic view that show the same monsters and heroes in a pattern. I don’t think Blizzard would hire someone to draw a useless repeating background art all over again.
It doesn’t make any sense to channel the new workforce for some petty details begin with. If that’s all you wanted, without hiring a new person and paying him/her a monthly salary, they can just ask one of the WoW artists to scribble something. There are better ways to make use of her talent such as creating new 3d models and artwork for new item, cosmetic in MTX shop or environmental designs.
If you want new difficulties I guess you have to wait for S23 to signal some overall buffs to the Sets; then we can talk about more difficulty scales without hurting time efficiency of farming. Currently all Sets are capable of GR100+ and upping the regular difficulty further will slow down the process and won’t give everyone the same footing at the farming sessions.
I just want a torment level that gives enough XP so I’m not wasting my time doing anything except GRs. Say T17 is GR100 and T18 is GR125.
I don’t get, why people want more levels. Normal mode - t1 is only really played at the start of the season. T2-5 is not played that much. T9-12 neither. T14-15 as well.
I would rather see a reduction on levels and perhaps up the scale slightly, also with droprates.
The image you embedded has nothing to do with KLeCrone’s tweet.
K. LeCrone:
I’ve joined the Diablo Legacy team as a 3D Artist
Why would Blizzard need a 3D artist to create 2D art?
K. LeCrone:
(Queue the celebratory fan art!)
Is she hinting at what she’ll be doing for Blizzard (I don’t think so) or introducing the images she embedded as some of the work she’s done, which may have helped her get the job (more likely)?
Notice that both images are labeled: Fan Art: “Vaeflare Returns…”
You’re dreaming. Go back to sleep now.
Addendum: Welcome to Sanctuary, KLeCrone!
Yes, i play only 2 of my characters at T16.
The 11 others, i play at T12 or T14.
My fun builds, made to have max fun with arcade mobblasting don’t need higher Torment levels.
No more torment levels please. If anything, reduce back down to max T10 and rescale the difficulties. T10=GR100 for example.
It will bring back some longevity to the game.
If they made the difference between torment levels 10 GR’s that would do it. However, T4 in a seasonal journey takes on a whole new meaning … T13 might not be feasible either using that difference in a seasonal journey.
I completely agree that Neph rifts quickly become irrelevant and boring when you are playing higher rifts. But I would be happy if they allowed scaling of Neph to match GR. Keys are a chore. Perhaps keys could move to bounties instead?
It might be just me, but how about making “Gold Wrap” to spend the hero’s gold?
That should make getting gold somewhat valuable, and picking any “valuable thing” during your play makes it worthy?fun?
Hah, I actually like that.
Almost all my builds are 2-mouse-button mobblasters at T14
-I’ll never change this overpowered ,easy and fun gameplay, no matter how high Torment is upped.
-If needed, i’ll go back to T1, to keep my GOD-mode.
You used to have to do bounties to get rift keys. Of course that was a really long time ago.
It would be nice if they did do that, scale a rift to a GR setting. But I think you should need to have a specific keystone to do that. Maybe Blizz can bring back the old GR trial or do something similar in order to determine what key level could be converted to a normal rift. They key should be consumed after use also.
If Blizz does do that, scale a rift to a certain GR level, maybe players will go back to full clears instead of speeding through them. Also, allow the 10 level cow rift to be part of it as well. That would be fun, at say, GR 100+.
5 gem upgrades at 60% chance imo…sigh
I can’t speak regarding torments before T13 being max, but I don’t remember T16 being too inefficient to farm. Wasn’t Captain Crimson and Aughilds and Squirts introduced at the same time?
Torment 14-16 was added in patch 2.6.5, while the buffs to Captain Crimson, Aughild, Squirts and a number of other items were added in the following patch, 2.6.6. We saw some more buffs, along with some new additions to builds, in the patches after 2.6.6. as well.
T16 is way harder then T15
-So i play my best characters at T15, lvl60 gems and no augment needed.
T16 is fine. It is for farming and the more difficult it gets, you will get a decrease in efficiency and build viability…unless we get more buffs and then people will complain again.
Just leave it alone.