Diablo 3 - Recent Audio Issues / Cut Outs


After reloging into the game for a mind-blank of a holiday, i have noted that the audio has had issues on my computer.

Notable fixes were to changte the Nvidia HD audio to off, and to change any windows HD audio off as well.

However, this did not fix the issue with Diablo 3.

To solve the issue, I had to upgrade the audio channels to 128 under the sound options within Diablo 3. I have no idea why the updates to D3 caused this issue as it wasnt an issue for 10+ years previously… but I just wanted to explain a solution


The thing is I have read a lot of these about the sound Issues. Maybe they had done a updated to the sound system and never told any body about it.

I was having the problem only in combat. Change it to 128 and now have no more problems.

Issues are still going strong in March. This game has definitely slipped into life support mode.