Diablo 3 PTR 2.7.3 - Has Ended

i did, i think the new activity is very cool, u like soulshard because they are extremly op, i also liked ethereals because they were op but now they are less op than souldshards… so for u new patch sucks because there are nothing op in the list??? dude i played for years with no patchnotes at all, i played the first season themes were the buff was double goblins or double bounty cahches, and i didnt complain, in this new patch they did:

  1. added a new activity and improved it with more hazards
  2. greatly improved greater rifts, added oreks dream, deleted sewers and buffed some mosters
  3. they have been reworking bad sets and this season reaekor got the rework
  4. added new legendary powers to useless items
  5. balanced inna and sader
  6. improved ptr stuff

dude thats a lot of work for a 12 years old game in “maintenance mode”
we are getting some cool stuff, dont be ungrateful

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if you think this is cool stuff that’s up to you. Others, myself included. don’t think that this is cool stuff. And we are free to voice our disapproval.

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There really needs to be a way to exit that doesn’t involve getting your face smashed in. A pillar or doorway or something to allow HC to exit when they’ve had enough.


I’d be happy with the original way when we did this to get gr keys.

Just put a 5-10 ft. safe zone on outer rim of Echoing Nightmare.
We are done, and usually near death, but make it to outside and safely finish.

More like 10 year old game.

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most SC players are not even gonna waste there time playing season 26

i agree with you, i think only newborns are happy about the cool stuff in season 26…

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and for the last 6 years they have been beating the remaining life out of this dead horse called D3

Maybe, but it is a fast way to hit 1k paragon in a couple hours worth of Echoing Nightmares.

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It’s acceptable to make a mediocre or a bad season now and there. Not every season in the past was a huge success. But please do something about the new Barb. Every other class that got a new rework in the last few patches became crazy op even if it was for a short time. Barbs deserve to have their Firebirds/Inna/Bombardment/Bone spear version too. Maybe for just one season.

If it makes everyone else really mad then at least give us better damage reduction on the set and maybe some single target mechanics.

No. Please dont buff up barbs then destroy them after a season making them less powerful than they already are. Thats what they do, thats what they always do. Please just leave barb alone.


I just ran a echoing nightmare with a god dh. Hit like level 102 or 102 trials or whatever the counter is and leveled up twice. That was solo though.

You die! There is a meter called “Overwhelmed” and it goes up kind of depending on how many mobs on the board and how fast/slow you kill them. So I suppose you might be able to be overwhelmed and still be alive if you can dodge a crap ton of mobs that long. I just ran one solo with a god dh and made it to I think 102. idk if thats 102 waves or whatever but it has a counter under the overwhelmed meter. Leveled up twice and the loot box was… eh. You get stuff but I didnt get anything special in the one I ran. But I suppose, if your not playing HC, its a nice little addendum… Run a GR then an echoing nightmare, rinse repeat and grind on as usual.

who the hell wanted this :point_down:

as usual, devs a very picky about feedback from the community.


Will there be restrictions on who can join an Echoing Nightmare rift? Will you need to be level 70 to join one?

Does the drop rate of Petrified Screams increase with higher Greater Rifts?

On the PTR, you got one scream per GR completed, whether it’s a GR1 or a GR150.

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I am more interested in how it will be when S26 goes live.

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No one’s going to be able to answer that until it goes live. But you’ll have players who will try Asia who will let you know any major changes from the PTR that weren’t publicly announced.

That is provided Asia is not entirely wonky this season as it was last start… Talk about a disaster.