Diablo 3 loot but

Can’t pick up loot after completing those special zones that open. The goblin dropped the chest near a gate and the loot fell outside of the gate.

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Can confirm that this happens. Made a screenshot of the error but due to stupid restrictions I am unable to provide it.

At your Trust Level you must post links as Preformatted Text.

How to Post Links

  1. Upload your image or video to a free hosting website, like Imgur or YouTube.

  2. Paste the "Direct Link" to your image and/or video in your post. (See image below).

  1. Select the link you just pasted and click the ˂/˃ button on the Reply Editor toolbar. (See image below).

  1. Click Reply. (See image below).

Your link will look similar to this: https://i.imgur.com/6PIA4Ul.jpg


Can confirm, here is screenshot: ‘https://imgur.com/a/ZQFMrOJ

Old bug… reported many times… never fixed.
