DI PVP is fun. Hope that D4 PVP will be better

sorry, some words are hard to understand to me, what mean “griefer” ? :smiley:

Better game balance was supposed to justify D3’s cut features. So just look at what laser-focus on “cooperative multiplayer” availed it: inferno mode practically impossible for no less than 2 classes. Nice. I mean I thought all 5 classes had the same unilateral issue, until recently. What a wash.

Incidentally this is not a barrier for entry into Blizzard. Maybe that explains the state of pvp? I mean imagine hiring people keen on ruining peoples’ experiences on their time off, into your entertainment company. Brilliant!

Tell me your makers aren’t counting the minutes 'til clock-out, that the days of overtime going unnoticed aren’t behind us?

Imagine if TKers could follow you between matches in Warcraft 3 RT. That’s how WoW world pvp (can) work in a nutshell, and none of their esteemed “creative officers” saw this as a pressing issue? And before someone opens their pie hole about “normal servers”, no, I’d rather be forcibly alt-f4’d ten times than be told once that “it’s my fault for being flagged” so faff that noise. It’s a “pick your poison” situation since when Warcraft 3 finally released, it was already no longer Blizzard’s magnum opus and many of the truly epic concepts were shifted to WoW, culminating in the marvelous Alterac Valley (just about any iteration including the very first) which was fantastic…though AV itself was slated to be a part of the greater world but ultimately conceded that aspect. Of course compromise from the original vision is inevitable.

Also if there are any tryhards remaining at Blizzard who decided that there is no glory to be had in D3 arena, fire them immediately, or at least remove them from positions of creative control. Because such is not for them to decide as a game maker, only to decide that the game is “difficult to master” (and I don’t mean “difficult to break 50% W/R”) and the glory of mastery happens naturally to those who seek it. Seriously, I’m talking about the sort that takes this dismissive attitude toward any pvp that isn’t Starcraft or DotA v6.67bbb. Hopefully the recent purges identified such individuals. Fire them and salt the earth where they stood, for ruining OW1 too.

I have no qualm with the weebs as much as the above does not characterize them.

That’s fine, as long as PvP isn’t detrimental to the PvE experience.

Horsecrap. Diablo 1 PvP was a complete hot mess. Mostly because of hacks, but also because there was no effort beyond making PvP possible. And while I’ll acknowledge people found ways to do it in Diablo 2, there is no disputing that it wasn’t the main focus and more of a happy accident that enough people banded together and followed their own rules long enough to make something of it.

He means you won because of your power and/or level in comparison to the other guy rather than because you were any good at PvP.

I have to admit, D:($) PvP is a lot more fun than I thought it would be.

If world boss fights work in D4 like they do in D:($), they will also be a lot of fun.

To a very small amout of an already small amout of players. A very small % played D2 online, even less D1, and of thise that did, only a fraction PvPd.

Hard to call something participated by a fraction of less than 1% important. Important to thise that participated sure. Just like trading, it wasn’t important overall since a tiny amount of players traded overall, but it was important to them.

The pvp scene had value for casual onlookers and spectators same as actual regular participants. Diablo was designed in what I would call “small scale open world” style. In an era where having a “realtime multiplayer” was an incredible feat, and for a realtime RPG expressly competing with robust RPGs like UO, excluding PvP deathmatch would have been gaff.

The ears are a cool memorable iconic inside joke of sorts. For me pvp is the most capable aspect of the game to discuss in an IRL face-to-face situation. What I mean is, as much as I love Gauntlet, nobody cosplays as the Yellow Wizard unironically.

Granted, expectations for class balance have increased since those days. On the other hand, maybe if there are no gacha rewards attached to it, players won’t take it so seriously as to demand better balance, playtesting, etc. Maybe pvp will be such a chaotic cluster of players with little opportunity for 1v1 duels that no one who’s in it for the luls especially cares.