DI PVP is fun. Hope that D4 PVP will be better

Is D4 planned to have daily tasks and rewards?

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Not that I know of, I just wanted to add that there since D:Immortal has it apparently. Personally I hope not, as I never been fond of those. I can tolerate them for a bit with mmos, but other games? Not really since most games Iā€™ve played with daily tasks and such, usually have where once you completed your daily/weekly tasks, thereā€™s little point in playing further as you donā€™t gain very much reward until the daily/weekly reset.

As sad as it is, it seems pretty much guaranteed that D4 will have some kind of ā€œdaily/weekly tasksā€. That is what Blizzard do these days.

Sadly, itā€™s definitely not impossible.

I saw a video of D:I pvp where the guy gets two shot in about 3 seconds. Unless the normalize damage (like they did in WoW for all ofā€¦ one expansion?) I donā€™t have high hopes.

Well, looking at these postsā€¦ Youā€™re being just as toxic, if not more so. Youā€™ve been very aggressive toward me, for example, and I really havenā€™t said anything toxic.

The pot is black as well.

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Theyā€™ll never normalize the damage in DI - they WANT people to spend money to be able to do that.

Diablo 4 isnā€™t going to be built the same way, so we can hope for SOME kind of normalization.


Aggressive? Iā€™m perfectly jovial my guy. The issue is though, if you donā€™t like someone replying to you defending pvp, maybe donā€™t :poop: on it.

You call people stupid.

You mention p2w as reasons not to have pvp in D4. And yet in the post about battle passes you reply directly to me btw, saying the exact opposite. Here are YOUR comments about how p2w WONā€™T be in the game.

And yet you still use this as an excuse to write negatively about pvp. You canā€™t have it both ways. Either you believe p2w is going to be in the game or not. Which is it?

Apparently pvp players only like pvp to feel ā€œsuperiorā€ by wrecking players. Maybe they like grouping with their friend for interesting 2v2 activity that isnā€™t just killing ai mobs.

You call pvp players jerks. So letā€™s be real for a moment, who is ACTUALLY being aggressive here? Youā€™re throwing insults around casting them at pvp players.

You should stick to this last quote. At the end of the day, if you really donā€™t care if they add optional pvp, then why say anything at all?

Maybe you just like calling pvp players ā€œjerksā€.

Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll be here to defend all the pvp players that get :poop: on on these forums until D4 comes out. And expose all the pvp hatred that we get. And Iā€™ll do it very well.

Smell ya later!

Vanquisher. Freezing Crystal + Fire Disintegrate with extra beams + extra long Freeze Ray because they both refract from crystal and provide continuous damage output. Disintegrate lights their candy @$$ on fire, Freezy Ray daddy-chills them. Ice Armor for defense.

Primaries suck so I donā€™t even use them. So we only get 4 useful skill slots.

Thatā€™s my hope as well, but I look to WoW and they overturned the decision to appeal to the vocal minority. Thereā€™s some scaling there, but last I knew, it might as well barely exist. I skipped all of ShadowLands so Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s still the case.
I guess the ideal scenario would be the option to let the player themselves choose the experience they want. If something like that could be implemented, maybe depending on realm choice.

The biggest enemy of a Diablo fan is another Diablo fan! Damn Diablo fans, they ruined Diablo!!! :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Interesting choice. Never thought of using a dual-wielding laser. I always have the impression that you need a black hole to keep your enemy in one place.

Uh huh.

Jovial, huh? Pull my other leg, please.

No. I called the SITUATION where someone can be literally 100x or more powerful than someone else in DI because they spent $$ stupid. I did not call anyone stupid.

Other way around, if anything. If you want your game to have good PvP, DONā€™T have pay2win.

No, I said there are a lot of people who do that. Not all PvP players. But you and I both know there were people on WoWā€™s PvP servers that specifically played to go around killing low level players.

Yeah, letā€™s be real. You are really, really misinterpreting some of what Iā€™ve said.

Sure because 99.9% success rate is more interesting than a challenge. Tell me blizzard alumini isnā€™t abosultely flooded with this sort, and Iā€™ll rush to their aid today.

Too many cooldowns take away all your options. You need to be able to hit hard & fast at any momentā€™s notice instead of standing around behind a corner waiting for the stupid cooldown to end so you can cast Meteor or Scorch again 10 seconds later.

Plus Freeze Ray is a great additional support skill because even if they donā€™t stand within the Freeze Crystal radius, you can still chill & slow them down from at least half a screen away with the +20% reach. And by the time youā€™ve used up all its resource, you can start Disintegrating again.

This way you have zero damage downtime. Thatā€™s why I generally manage a minimum of 10 kills per battle. 16 the other day, an all-time high of 21.

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Like DI or not, DI battleground PVP is the best I seen so far for an arpg.

Would be nice if D4 added something like this.

Actually I think a battle Royale style PVP will be nice, & the last team/person get all the loot.

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Black Hole is too hit or miss, and itā€™s 20-sec cooldown vastly outweighs its 3-sec duration.

At least with Freezy Crystal, it lasts for about 15 seconds and by the time itā€™s gone you only need to wait another 10-15 seconds to recast it. You can do a :poop:load of damage with it while itā€™s up, especially when youā€™re parked in front of the Idols in ā€œProtect the Heartā€, preventing anyone from leading them. Tickles my funnybone big time whenever I see a red dot approaching my location, only to see me and turn sharply the opposite direction.

Hereā€™s from tonight, aka business as usual lol. Only showing you the first 2 battles, in the others I got between 9-12 kills. In the second one I got killed 4 times because I got a bit overzealous and rushed ahead, rushing headfirst into a whale that had it out for me.


If you actually enjoy D:I PvP, then you donā€™t have to worry about PvP in D4 being fun.
With standards that low you are basically guaranteed to enjoy it no matter how it turns out :woman_shrugging:

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I donā€™'t understand why diablo players should fight about ā€œpossibleā€ feature in game.

If people donā€™t like PvP, just donā€™t play PvP.
There is a lot of diablo players who enjoy PvP (Arenaā€™s, free PvP or whatever else possibility to fight each other).

PvP was a very important part of game in D1, D2 and lord of destruction.
I remember clan wars, nice fight, training, theory crafting aboutā€¦ study tactics on 3vs3 .

Was not the best balanced PvP ? NOBODY CARES.
We loved, if Blizzy want give us some place where we can fight, why not ?
If Other people (and is nothing bad on that) donā€™t want/like, just donā€™t do it.

My Hope for D4, will be introduce more than fields of hatred, maybe in the future, if not on the vanilla version of the game.

my 2 cent.
sorry if I misspelled or not well explained myself, English is not my native language.


Spoken like a true pvp griefer.