The Demon Hunter GOD 4-piece effect’s primary skill procs Wraps of Clarity’s effect, which should trigger on hitting with a hatred generator, but not the Focus/Restraint set bonus which should trigger Focus when hitting with a resource generating attack or primary skill.
I was expecting the opposite i.e. if the GOD 4-piece primary skill is not a hatred generator it should not proc the Wraps of Clarity effect, while the GOD 4-piece primary skill is still a primary skill and, as written, should trigger the Focus/Restraint additional effect (the Restraint effect is up continuously from Strafe’s hatred spending attack).
Not sure if this is a bug or this is as intended. Your thoughts?
If I’m understanding the OP correctly, Kirottu is right. AFAIK it’s because the game doesn’t allow procs to proc other procs. Only 1-layer deep is allowed. Same reason that area damage procs can’t chain-generate their own area damage procs. It would probably melt servers otherwise.