Devs: Please Make Certain Ground Effect Perm

A ground effect in 2.7.2 in the Shard of Anguish is so cool I find myself playing this PTR just so I can have this effect.

The property is called "Killing an enemy deals the damage done by the death blow to all enemies within X yards”

I posted about this the other day: Shard Ground effect

Please make this a permanent effect in D3?

I have a screenshot but I still haven’t figured out how to attach images in these forums

It takes trust level 3 to embed, I believe.

Otherwise, upload the image to a hosting service and you can paste the URL to it using the “</>” button - highlight the link and then click that.

Regarding the point of the thread… if the interaction with Sever is “fixed” then sure, new effects can be fun.

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I’m gonna try that

Nope…still won’t post an image :frowning:

Looks a little similar to the scoundrel’s critical cloud but not exactly the same (being much larger, for example, and obviously a different palette.) Seems interesting.

As stated, you can’t embed it. But you can post a link to the image…

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That’s what I thought.

But I see other people posting images, like Meteorblade et al

If they have trust level 3, they can embed. 95% of users cannot.

This is explained in New Forum Guide - Syntax & Features under the definition of Trust Levels.

Embedding it for you…

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Thank you Meteorblade!

These new forums suck anyways. It says I only have ~62 posts but, overall, I’ve been posting to Blizz forums for many years. It should be in the hundreds, I think

I think the old forums allowed me to post images IIRC as well.
