Devs, are you bending the knees at the last minute?

When you’re at the point that you’re against balancing, you should re-evaluate whether you care more about the actual game or this romantic feel-good aesthetic that you’re some defender of the classics.

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LOT’s of people are really excited for continued support into the future tweaks changes etc its going to be great.

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would still be awesome. and would also shut up the “no point to ladder” crowd. Although the ploot crowd is the worst. No offense if you’re one. lol, its just gotten so old. I hope when they actually implement some of these changes they come out and literally say “no we won’t be changing the loot system, stop asking”. Considering its like 90% of the back-n-forth twitter fights in every thread on this forum.

PS this also goes both ways though. If they ARE going to implement ploot, just tell us already so WE can also shut up. :zipper_mouth_face: I’m very pro-changes (to an extent) but i also know i may not like 100% of all changes. So im willing to accept a few i don’t like for dozens of good ones. Maybe thats just me. :man_shrugging:


The devs are clearly amazing people who understand the core player base of Diablo 2 wants the kinds of changes being presented on the forums. They play on private, modded servers for the most part. You’re hard pressed to even find a bnet game streaming. The player base wants to play on servers with enhanced changes. Many more than being asked for even here.


'm a pretty staunch defender of keeping the original spirit of the game, but none of the things listed in this post seem like terrible ideas. These are certainly not on the level of some of the suggested changes like personal loot and no going hostile that would actually wreck the experience. What I think they should do though is let it run a year as is, then introduce an expansion pack with some new content that you can choose to upgrade to or not. Honestly fixing some of the really heinous bugs on skills would kind of be welcome. Like the fend bug on the amazon which pretty much ruins the skill and doesn’t allow you to use any of the Amazons passives. Or the Sanctuary bug that doesn’t actually give you damage but rather gives the undead monsters the extra damage against your minions. Or how about the Druid Hunger bug that just arbitrarily makes every other attack of hunger miss. This kind of stuff isn’t fun when the tooltip tells you what to expect from a skill and it does a completely different thing or just flat out doesn’t work.

Like originally I was a little miffed they are taking out the ebugging ethereals, but then upon thinking about it more the main thing that will effect is just paladins having crazy heavy armour defense values on shields, as if the paladin needed anymore overpowered advantages. So it’s kind of a good thing.


so change seekers are “randoms” now? Your snobby gatekeeping is off the charts. There are change seekers who have probably played this game longer than you have.


Devs, I’ve played this game for over 17 years and I would love to see all the changes listed. Don’t listen to the few purists throwing a tantrum, they don’t even know themselves that an improved game will be better for all of us until they actually try it.


I have nothing against the changes mentioned in this specific poster. They probably would not harm the game, they may improve it.

What is wrong to make more mercs viable? Or horadric cube encyclopedia ingame? I think its great. More endgame content or spell balancing may or may not be successful, though…

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Completely agree with your post.

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Relax. That survey says under 9k people asked. You do realize there will be a lot more than 9k people playing right? Not sure if that survey came directly from Blizzard but if it didn’t then what are you worried about? That survey is based off probably 1%-5% of the population that will be playing at launch.

Diablo 2 R its not Diablo 2 LOD, and I guarantee you that changes are coming, because new generation of players are here and they are power and they pay for everything, old diablo 2 players from 20 years ago its much less then new young, so Blizzard will be sooner or later forced to do major changes if they want survive on market with Diablo 2 R.
Anyone who wont like it Diablo 2 Lod its always there.
They already start some small changes to not hit old players to hard, but after 1 or 2 season’s winter is coming


Shadout – for some reason I can’t respond to you directly, but, this is my response to one of your points. On the rest, I think while we don’t agree on everything, we find common ground in most places but this one:

“Some endgame content surely could change the core of D2.
Stuff like Rifts etc. should never ever be added to D2 imo, no matter how well balanced you can make it. D2s endgame happens in the game world. That should remain true.”

  • In terms of endgame, I don’t mean rifts and other trivialization efforts that would make the game D3.5

I guess I probably should have said an expansion with a new act (or a couple acts, which would be more reasonable, as we are indeed repaying for the same game with better graphics and therefore a little bit even with a small extra charge isn’t unreasonable).

No core gameplay changes, no changes to drop rates because you sat at the entrance of a GR150 and had it cleared for you. No freebies, no training wheels, no social justice changes.

The idea is Diablo 2 = Diablo 2 = Diablo 2 with new scenery and quests to break the monotany of farming. Bare bones only.

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Balance changes to increase diversity should be good to the game. It could be considered as a major balance patch to the classic game, it doesn’t have to be a classic vs. resurrected thing.

The synergy & skill damage system is outdated. Early level damage skills rely on high multiples from synergies only to still fall short in the higher levels. I’m not sure what the solution would be other than make skill damage scale based on character level / power, but that would be crossing dangerously into Diablow 3 territory.

I’m not a fan of one point wonders either. I would love for there to be a reason to max out Weaken or Teleport, for example.