Demon Hunter Forum is Dead

I wonder why the DH forum is so dead? You would think as many people that have switched to DH this season there would be a lot more traffic there. Very disappointing if you have any DH related questions. Sad, because if there’s seemingly no interest, the Devs will let them revert to the bottom again.

Lol - maybe the DHs are playing the actual game and not the forum game?

And considering most of the major questions are found in existing threads?

Anyways I replied to your post in DH.

Happy pew pewing!

I understand what you’re saying, but if you don’t have a forum voice to advocate for improvements to your build, it’s highly unlikely the devs will do it on their own. Case and point, Barbarians. They advocated for a better build and they got it.

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The class is at the top so they’re trying to keep a low profile lest they attract nerfs

DH has one excellent build, and will hopefully get more. There’s a lengthy and thoughtful set of buff requests from dmkt, here:

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The class forums are less active than general discussion for obvious reasons. If you are looking at how many unique threads have recent activity within the past 3 days, DHs are second highest (7). The highest is the monk forum (8), and necromancers least with 2 threads with activity.

I am not sure how strong the correlation is.

Crusaders, witch doctors, and DH have or had a build that solo cleared GR 150. The current era 13 worldwide leaderboard was not reset in patch 2.6.9 that included nerfs to AoV crusader and witch doctors. In era 13, there are 27 crusaders who soloed GR 150, 28 DH, and 30 witch doctors. The next patch notes will reveal the fate of GoD DH.

I advocated for meta spot and I did not get it. Even after “DH patch” DH is out of meta still. Doing solo 139 in non season first week was nice… but I did not play for last 1+ months. Solo is boring and inefficient. No group play = No Diablo 3 for me.

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