Daughters of Cain

Cain, is an interesting subject. His past, has clear connections to some of the most powerful magic. His influences are transcendent as many masters from his time, made use of powerful artifacts.

Once he was imprisoned by demons, and held captive by spells. His magic made use of ancient agreements in magic, that allowed magic to exist by agreeing to let others define the nature of his own pact. It cost us dearly.

In a modern sense, directing the research of magic, is a political diplomatic tool. The daughters of Cain, use a fashion and style of magic, that is intended to offer iconic sorcery to modern nobility. This creates allies who profit from successful adventures as a group. In addition to signature spells, technology, provides the modern lense, through which the world of cain was viewable.

Cain has served his pact as defined by the laws of magic. In modern nights, I believe he continued to carry out research into the planar beings that caused portals.
Worlds with the same 365 day gregorian calender, with a different type of star, are suspiciously a perfect example.