what is spawn rate of Zhar the Mad?
it took me 4 runs to kill all of the unique monsters from the labyrinth but but i’m on my 35-th run for the Zhar the Mad and he’s not spawning, is it normal?
what is spawn rate of Zhar the Mad?
it took me 4 runs to kill all of the unique monsters from the labyrinth but but i’m on my 35-th run for the Zhar the Mad and he’s not spawning, is it normal?
Zhar the Mad is always spawning on level 8 of the Labirynth. It’s a guaranteed spawn (I mean he’s there everytime).
As @mickeyknox said, Zhar the Mad is always there on Labyrinth Level 8. In fact, all of the Unique Bosses from the original Diablo are always on their respective Levels.
Many of the other Bosses are random spawns and may take several runs through the Labyrinth. If you would like to see the Levels they spawn on, see this list: Protector of Tristram.
(UA is an acronym for the Unholy Altar Level).
Good luck and good hunting!
Like said above, Zhar is a guaranteed Unique on level 8.
You have to click on/activate the “musty tome” desk
and you’ll can kill it
brooo… i never clicked on anything on that flor… i’m retarded…
thanks yall for the help! it’s very appreciated!
Poor guy was doing his own thing he gives us gold to leave him alone and we still kill him, who are the real demons?
It still begs the question of why he was deep in the bowels of a corrupted Cathedral, infested by Demons and Undead. Exactly what was he working on? And… he did attack us first.
Also commenting on how i walk and look laughing, so cool… laugh it off. I have good coffee and bourbon for a night cap anyway so i’ll be laughing it off too. Oh how i enjoy their efforts, i can feel the envy radiating off the group. LOL. So glad i’m here and not Wendy’s where they even laugh about one of the best actors in the world. Poor Chestr.
You’re not retard, just a mistake, it happens to everyone. If everyone was “retarded”, the forum would be a psychiatric asylum (Well, sometimes, it looks like it but it’s not)
Well, first we bust into his room, then we keep pestering him, then we break into his cabinet. We kinda deserve it.
Ya, I hate when our characters are referred to as heroes. Most the things we kill in the game are going about their own business and we engage them. On top of that, I don’t feel grave robbing is a heroic action. Neither is breaking into and looting churches and peoples houses.
I’m going to assume you guys are just kidding around. Otherwise, we’ve forgotten what the story is here. (Too much end-game content).
The Burning Hells has invaded Sanctuary. In D1, we were asked to investigate the Cathedral and put an end to the Evil there. We broke into NO ONES homes.
In D2, our Characters were asked to clear the Demons and Undead out of the Monastery, which led us East to Lut Gholein to continue fighting the Evil threat against Sanctuary. We visited taverns and, after we proved ourselves, were invited into the Palace to secure it. We broke into NO ONES homes.
In D3 Tyrael, once his memory returned, enlisted us to help defend Sanctuary against The Burning Hells’ continuous attack on Sanctuary. The only homes we entered belonged to people we were, supposedly, checking on to make sure they were not harmed. In some cases we were invited in to be thanked and rewarded. The only other houses we entered we those of Vendors. (Like the House of Curios).
And, even though we may have looted some corpses and emptied some Chests, that could be considered part of our reward. And was needed to pay Vendors and Artisans for gear, upgrades and repairs.
In-game, I neither think of my Character as a Hero nor a criminal. “Hero” is just a gaming term. After all, in real life heroes are very often not saints.
Technically, we broke into all sorts of homes in Diablo 2. They just weren’t home to nice / friendly / benevolent creatures. Countess, Tal Rasha, Mephisto, Flayers, Spiders, Diablo, Nihlathak. Might be others I’m forgetting.
In Diablo 3 we broke into Maghda’s lair. I don’t really remember much else about D3’s plot though. Perhaps I have the memories subconsciously repressed.
But yea, I’m of the opinion this discussion is being ironic.
We did not break into homes.
Okay, we broke into her Castle. But, only to put an end to her murderous reign. Let’s not forget who The Countess was and what she did. And you’re right… We did help ourselves to what was left of her treasures in The Forgotten Tower.
We did not break into Tal Rasha’s home. It was his Tomb. He sacrificed himself to contain the essence of Baal. The Dark Wanderer, who was King Leoric’s oldest son Aidan, possessed by Diablo, conned Marius into following him to the True Tomb of Tal Rasha to free his brother Baal. We followed them there in an effort to stop this from happening, only to find we were too late. Instead, we freed Tyrael from the chains wherein Baal and Diablo left him.
One of the Prime Evils? Are you kidding? We did not break into his home. His LAIR was The Durance of Hate, which is located in the Temple of Light in Travincal, Kurast. We pursued Diablo and Baal there to stop them from joining their brother Mephisto in the destruction of Sanctuary.
We did not break into their homes. We traveled through the Kurast Jungles on our way to Travincal. When the Flayers attacked us we defended ourselves. They are Demons. They invaded OUR world (Sanctuary).
These are monstrous Animals that live in the Jungles of Kurast. Either on the surface or in Dungeons. And yes, we searched these Dungeons for artifacts that would help us stop the Prime Evils from carrying out their murderous plans.
THE Prime Evil? His “home” is wherever he thinks it is. Our main objective is to send him back to The Burning Hells, where he belongs, every chance we get.
You mean the Necromancer who betrayed the Barbarians to Baal? The Necromancer who kidnapped the daughter of Elder Aust, Anya, and imprisoned her with a Freezing Spell in the Crystalline Passage?
We did travel to Nihlathak’s Temple to confront him for his treachery. There, he attacked us, and we were forced to kill him.
You mean that b… witch who killed Deckard Cain? That minion of Belial? That ruthless leader of the Coven? She stole a part of Tyrael’s Sword. We merely went to get back what she stole and make her pay for her murderous ways.
Of all the “creatures” you mention, and those you did not, they invaded our world. They murdered our families. They drove us from OUR homes, and Monastery and Temples. They infested our lands and our dungeons.
I’m not sure I see the irony here. But, yeah… I accept that it is all in jest.
Those poor, mistreated monsters.
Irony as a literary device merely means something that is unexpected. Not exactly synonymous with “surprise” though - the difference is that the ironic element is usually specifically contradictory to what is typically expected. Like, when someone makes a post about glorifying the actions of the prime evils and vilifying the player character for doing requisite actions to combat said evils.
“Diablo did nothing wrong” is an ironic statement in this context.
UNironically, I’m not surprised there’s confusion because most people don’t use irony “correctly.” I blame Alanis Morissette.