Dark Tristram - Champion of the Townsfolk

After killing on of the required monsters the list is not updating.

Two that will not show up as of playing today are Brokenstorm and Witchmoon. This is like the 3rd time I have beat them.

I have screen shots showing that I killed them.

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Then you should post them.

You are currently Trust Level 0 on these forums. So, you’ll have to post links to your screenshots as Preformatted Text.

How to Post Links

  1. Upload your image(s) to a free hosting website, like Imgur.

  2. Paste the "Direct Link" to your image(s) in your post.

  1. Select the link(s) you just pasted and click the ˂/˃ button on the Reply Editor toolbar.

  1. Click Reply.

Your link will look similar to this: https://i.imgur.com/6PIA4Ul.jpg