I am really surprised we haven’t had an announcement for daily quests. Everyone has been asking for them. It is how we can get bonus xp buff or tokens and keys. It’s just a no brainer. I haven’t heard enough chatter about an auction house. Where are all the people in support for goblins? If they don’t add treasure goblins no one is going to play.
I hope to see more headliners making some noise for these additions to Diablo II. To me and most people it’s the best things for an immersive experience.
Is this a troll/bait thread? I am genuinely unsure whether you are serious or not?
Treasure Goblins and auction houses in D2R?.. You know, there is a Diablo game for you that provides all you are looking for and more, it’s Diablo III.
Who is everyone? I have certainly not asked for daily quests. I believe I’m included under the classification of ‘everyone’. This is honestly the first thread I’ve seen asking for daily quests.
Fallout Shelter has daily quests. They even have weekly quests! You should check it out.
If this was D4 sure, plan and make the systems for it. Centralized AH leads to endless flipping or heavy safeguards to stop it, better to keep it fragmented but add more ways to trade.
Dailies just tossed in there will feel out of place and clunky, what if I have no interests in the dailies or weeklies now I’m missing out on something that wasn’t even part of the game before and their telling me what to play to get bonus. I dunno again D4 probably the best place for that.
Now the goblin I am not against as I absolutely love the chaos they can cause but I would want them to be much tougher than D3 ones or they are just loot pops.
All personal opinions, but if you haven’t seen much about a topic it’s probably because people don’t care…because if they did believe me in these forums you find out quickly.
Edit: make the new goblins have more hp and buff enemies around them with an aura. Make them vicious little things to kill and activate on load so if you hear them they are moving, none of this clear around them business.
sound of shotgun cocking sound of pitchfork clanging with the pavement sound of torches alight
Looks like we have a witch hunt.
Jokes aside, I, like many others, have been perusing these forums daily and not once have I seen activity pushing for daily quests. I mightve seen one or two random posts for it but that’s about it.
In my humble opinion, those would be a very pervasive addition to the game as they provide nothing but a static activity in which to gain something you would have more success with obtaining through the means in which Diablo2 is known for. Slaughtering demons.
I’ve seen maybe a handful of requests for treasure goblins and I can’t say I agree. Its a fun little idea for sure but we’re going for a remaster here, which means mostly honoring the original design - not to say I’m not for future non-lore updates to the game but definitely not a launch feature.
The thing is, Diablo II has a very dark, uber gothic style atmosphere, a sense of evil and dread that they dev team absolutely nailed when they were developing D2, and things like treasure goblins, a stunted elf like creature with a bag full of christmas presents slung over its back goes wholly against the grain of what D2 is and always was.
It’s like, imagine if they introduced pink unicorns, for example, it’s just out of sync with the atmosphere, in my opinion.
I agree, to which extent I would propose a more natural themed minion to do the job, without screaming “HEEYYY YOOOO, I got the goodies, catch me if you can!”… Though, that being said, as much as I support additional content in the future, I find it pretty hard to integrate such a mechanic into a game that is virtually flawless in the way it handles its primary function - looting.
Yes I agree, it’s kinda like a “don’t fix what isn’t broken” type situation with D2 loot, as D2 is the absolute gold standard of what a looter game can and should be.