[D4 web project] Procedural paragon boards

You can run the project from here:

Or you can load it (copy the source to an .html file) yourself:

The announced D4 paragon in recent blog post deserves to be expanded by the community with a procedural version so that the mechanic reaches a bigger audience of players and opinions. This would be easily done if enough people join the project in this thread and help.

Here are the roles one can sign-up for if one has the knowledge (required only for #1) and desire for this. To do so simply write the role(s) you want and start contributing in this thread.

#1 :: Web programmer (html, javascript, databases)

  • Creating a procedural algorithm for paragon boards’ generation and distribution of nodes/tiles, their types and values based on rules determined by the system engineers and published in the respective section of this post
  • Making the paragon board intractable with the player choosing his way through it
  • Creating a character sheet for total accumulated stats from paragon
  • Adding the ability up to 10 boards to be attached to one another and rotated before being attached
  • Making an option for player’s account that can store different characters and thousands of paragon boards per character
  • Adding the ability the player to switch his acquired paragon boards observing the changes in his character sheet stats

#2 :: Data reporter

  • Inspecting published Diablo 4 materials (blogs, videos, screenshots) for character stats and class skills, organizing and submitting these
  • Submitting stats/skills missing in Diablo 4, but present in other series of the game
  • Submitting stats missing in Diablo 4, but present in other popular aRPGs

#3 :: Designer

  • Creating new stats
  • Creating new skills
  • Creating rare and legendary tiles for the paragon board

#4 :: System engineer

  • Approving the stats and skills to be used in the database
  • Assigning roll ranges and drop/appear chances for the variables
  • Discussing with other system engineers the paragon boards generation rules

#5 :: Tester

  • Playing with the boards and providing feedback
  • Submitting bugs

I will update the below sections of this post with the information that is ready to be entered in a database.


Paragon board generation rules

Size: 21 x 21 (441 total nodes/tiles)
Active/selectable tiles: 300 (minimum) ~ 330 (maximum)
Minimum selectable tiles per quarter (10 x 10): 60
Gates: 4
Gates position: fixed
Magic tiles: 2
Magic tiles position: random
Rare tiles: 4
Rare tiles position: random
Legendary tiles: 1
Legendary tiles position: fixed
Sockets: 1
Socket/glyph radius: 3
Sockets position: random
Minimum distance between gate/magic/rare/legendary/socket: 4


Player related rules

Maximum characters per account: 100
Maximum boards stored per character: 1000
Ability to delete characters: yes
Ability to delete unused/stored boards: yes
Connected boards reflected in character sheet: 10
Maximum points to spend in connected boards: 600



Normal/common tiles Roll range Roll chance Appear % Cap #
Strength 1, 2, 3 50, 30, 20 5 20
Dexterity 1, 2, 3 50, 30, 20 5 20
Intelligence 1, 2, 3 50, 30, 20 5 20
Willpower 1, 2, 3 50, 30, 20 5 20
Life 1 - 10 random 4 20
Resource 1 - 5 random 4 20
Life Regeneration 0.1% - 1% random 4 20
Resource Regeneration 1% - 2% random 4 20
Attack Speed 0.5% - 1% random 3 5
Movement Speed 0.1% - 1% random 3 5
Recovery Speed 0.5% - 1% random 3 5
Cooldown Reduction 0.1% - 1% random 3 5
Fire Resistance 0.5% - 1% random 3 10
Cold Resistance 0.5% - 1% random 3 10
Lightning Resistance 0.5% - 1% random 3 10
Poison Resistance 0.5% - 1% random 3 10
Physical Damage Reduction 0.1% - 0.5% random 3 10
Spell Damage Reduction 0.1% - 0.5% random 3 10
Elite Damage Reduction 0.1% - 0.5% random 3 10
Critical Damage Reduction 0.1% - 0.5% random 3 10
Physical Damage 0.1% - 0.5% random 2 10
Spell Damage 0.1% - 0.5% random 2 10
Elite Damage 0.1% - 0.5% random 2 10
Critical Strike Damage 0.1% - 0.5% random 2 10
Damage to Near Targets 0.5% - 1% random 2 10
Damage to Distant Targets 0.5% - 1% random 2 10
Damage to Isolated Targets 0.5% - 1% random 2 10
Damage to Grouped Targets 0.5% - 1% random 2 10
Damage to Stunned Targets 0.5% - 1% random 2 10
Damage to Immobilized Targets 0.5% - 1% random 2 10
Damage to Slowed Targets 0.5% - 1% random 2 10
Damage to Bleeding Targets 0.5% - 1% random 2 10
Chance to Stun 0.1% - 0.5% random 1 5
Chance to Immobilize 0.1% - 0.5% random 1 5
Chance to Slow 0.1% - 0.5% random 1 5
Chance to inflict Bleed 0.1% - 0.5% random 1 5

Magic tiles

These are rolling with +1 Rank to Skills (random class skill).

Rare tiles

These are conditional stat enhancers (just like in the blog post).

Legendary tiles

These are potent skill enhancers (way weaker than in the blog post).


This is enough paper/theoretical data for an initial online version of procedural paragon boards to be created. From there on the testing will determine the exact tile values and board generation rules.

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Im sorry what is the point to doing all this when we have no solid idea what will be in d4 and in what way it will end up being or any real info at all besides the little things they showed which may or may not change. I think we are getting way a head of ourselves here. Im excited too and would love to know but lets keep it real here till everything and the info we get from them is way more solid in terms of what WILL for SURE be in the game. Not trying to be a party pooper. just saying. You are asking people for info no one knows for a FACT to make something that we dont know will stay in the game or anything we even put in this will even be close to what it will be like. Once we get solid info, in a few years id love to do a project like this. its way too early to do something like this now and make any real sense


Bearing in mind that…

Travel forward a couple of years, grab a copy of the web site’s source code, bring it back to now, and the site could already be up and running. You’d also know who you hired to make the website and, in your timeline, they’ve already done the work so you should pay them immediately for the work they will have done.


He got nothing better to do…

I do it, because I have fun. And when I see potential I want to capitalize on it.

The project is now live:

Source code: https://pastebin.com/2XM0E4K0
(copy the source to an .html file to run it locally)

A new position is available:

#5 :: Tester

  • Playing with the boards and providing feedback
  • Submitting bugs

So far you’ll only be abel to spend 200 paragon points on a character.

Why Facebook React when you could use ES2021 ?

But seriously, D3 Planner team will do the job.
Don’t worry.

As I said before, AI generated boards would be both horrible and unfair.

Imagine you’re a Barbarian and all of your STR nodes roll at the very borders with big chunks of INT in between. Meanwhile, another Barbarian’s rolls with all their STR nodes right at the start and conveniently adjacent. One player will have to work exponentially harder to get the same result for no actual benefit to the design and gameplay process.

Keep the RNG to dungeon layouts and gear.

I have a better idea. (Well, another idea at least.)

Make it like Hardcore/Softcore.

Pick at the beginning if you want procedural or standard paragon boards.

They’ll do better job with our help.

RNG is what makes Diablo special. Remove RNG and no one plays it. Also, try the boards instead imagining and you’ll see RNG isn’t that bad. I promise.

They should have both static and procedural systems in the game.

Yeah, for gear and dungeons.

Not for skills and level ups.

And D3 loves to tell me I have a 60% chance to level a gem just to fail dozens of times in a row. You may argue that such is a statistical improbability or that my worst case scenario with this may rarely happen, but the point remains that it still does and the idea adds nothing meaningful to character progression. Strawmanning that I’m somehow against RNG in its entirety doesn’t help your argument, either.

It all depends on the design. Try Hades.

No. I’d agree with you - D3 gem leveling is an awful and annoying system. RNG per se doesn’t mean good or bad immediately. It all boils down to the design.

I did…

As you can see, I have just over 20 hours in it, and haven’t played it since February. Quite literally, it bored me to tears and frustrated me in equal measures, and I’m not sure I’ll ever bother to try and get a full run done. At this point I should probably just uninstall it.

If D4 becomes anything like Hades, that would make it a hard pass for me.

ARPGs can only gain if they go in the more procedural direction since that is what guarantees replayability long term. A journey with a known destination tends to get boring when you do it multiple times. That’s when the procedural systems need to appear.

I refer you back to 20 hours played, and not since February. The only thing Hades’ systems guaranteed for me was frustration and a lack of desire to play it, at all, let alone complete it multiple times.

Diablo 2 and 3 disagree. As does Grim Dawn. And PoE. And Titan Quest. And Last Epoch

Disagree about what? These games have procedural itemization and maps. Make these static and no one will touch these games.

For Diablo 2 and 3, it has static and/or player controlled character leveling, skill acquisition and/or leveling. The only randomization that they have when it comes to directly affecting character power is items, not skills and/or paragon.

The same will likely be the case for Diablo 4 as well, with the only random aspect regarding the paragon boards likely being the glyphs acquistion.

Itemization is a big system. It being procedural makes a huge difference. Items in D2 are what determines your power. In D3 that’s static paragon and it takes away more value from gameplay experience than it gives. D2 is currently the most popular Diablo game due to it’s solid procedural itemization.