D4: Weapon DMG based spells are back lol

i don’t know how i didn’t notice this before but i can’t believe they’re doing this all over again. i guess i just automatically assumed they weren’t doing this. i actually can’t believe it, given the amount of negative feedback about tying weapon damage to spells. mind blown.
(853 “attack” spell without weapon. 1734 “attack” spell with weapon. It actually works out to an increase of 103.28% which is over the 50% from each)


Probably because people are too used to it by now.

They did however say the weapon would only be 1 of many sources of damage increases. You will gain damage from your weapons, gear, leveling the skill itself, talent trees, and legendaries. They said if your weapon breaks or other armor pieces your damage won’t go down to 0 like in Diablo 3. As to what % your total damage comes from the weapon thought is still unknown at this point.


Based on the above video, it’s about a 50% damage increase. Without the weapon he had 853 “attack”. With the weapon he got 1734 “attack”.

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Definitely too much IMO. would much rather weapons be stat sticks for spells.


I think it is good that spells scale with weapons.

Although weapons should have two dmg numbers; kinetic dmg and magic dmg.
So a wand might be 100 kinetic dmg/200 magic dmg, some axe might be 200 kinetic dmg/100 kinetic dmg, and some staff might be 170 kinetic/170 magic etc. (with plenty of rule breakers, like a specific legendary axe might be a spell dmg weapon)

As for the scaling, I dont know if the video adresses it, but remember that in the Blizzcon build, non-weapons had Attack on them too. So the scaling might actually be 100% attack-stat based, with just half of it coming from the weapon due to the other items.
But now, those other items cant have Attack => full weapon scaling.

That would not be good.

i just don’t know why they would create this problem again, even if it’s not as big of a problem as in d3.


My guess is that it’s done to avoid creating imbalance situations in which caster builds are able to deal noticeable damage even without a weapon, while in comparison melee/physical builds are completely dependent on having a good weapon before they can even hope to deal damage, let alone use some of their skills.

Thankfully since skill levels have returned, that ensures that your damage isn’t solely tied to your weapon and instead is determined nearly equally between skill level and weapon damage.

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Which sadly wont matter if you can max all your skills with endless skill points. It will just be fake choices.


Depends on the balance of the numbers on how much damage comes from your weapon.

If it’s like earlier WoW where you had spell power on weapons to offer a bit of scaling as gear got better, I think that’s not a problem at all.

If it’s almost entirely derived from your weapon, that’s a problem.

Admittedly, I do hope that they limit the amount of skill points that you can earn from skill tomes, as well as expand the skill and talent trees.


No, they are not. Weapon doesn’t have damage. It has attack, which will be the stat that increases damage.

Your base DMG will be based on your skill rank…

The devs already said:
Sources of Power

The community has shared many good points on the topic of power sources and we’re reevaluating how much power comes from each source at any given time.

However, we want to clarify that in Diablo IV, power doesn’t come mostly from items. We want to have a good mix of power sources: characters naturally get stronger as they level up, skills have ranks that increase power, talents provide specific playstyle choices and additional character power, and of course items grant power and meaningful choices as well.

Initially attack was on multiple slots. They say now it’s only affix, that rolls on weapons. Still, that does not mean, that without a weapon you will do no damage, as we don’t know yet how much attack will increase the damage of skills, whether it will be additive or multiplicative and what percentage of our overall power it’s going to be.

Based on your feedback, we’ve changed Attack to only be found on weapons, Defense to being only on armor, and we’ve removed both Attack and Defense from jewelry entirely. The goal here is to better embrace the fantasy of each type of item.

We like the Attack and Defense stats as a way to convey power progression on items. A core part of any ARPG is the quest for more power. Just as we have skill ranks, talent trees, character levels, and so forth, Attack and Defense allows us to reflect your power growth in items as well.

To be clear, Attack/Defense is not the end of the story of an item’s power, but it does fulfill the “easy to learn, difficult to master” design philosophy by giving players a broad sense of whether the item is an upgrade. Players who are optimizing their character will still need to take the additional affixes on an item into account, as their benefit to your build can outweigh the raw Attack or Defense of an item. Solely picking your items based on Attack and Defense will almost never be the optimal way to play , but it does provide a good starting point for newer players.

It’s important to reiterate here that items are just one part of a character’s overall power . Our goal is to spread out power across different sources, including skill ranks, your character’s level, talent trees, items, and the endgame character progression system (which, like everything else, is still in development).


First, the video is back from BlizzCon, since then there have been developments.
Second, attack seems to be a stat, that increases damage, not raw damage.

Guess I’ll be that guy… It’s actually a damage increase of 103.28%.


This just reaffirms my belief that this new team has no idea what constitutes a great game and are doomed to fail.


Rich coming from the one who wants open trade back…

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They are certainly know and have idea on how to make a great game that will sell as much as D3 or perhaps more.

So it’s going to be more two-handed clubs or swords for Wizards to throw more powerful fireballs? Until you have a legendary staff drop that will be so good that it artificially fixes things back?

Ugh, this would be so sad if it happens. Of course a character could use any weapon of choice, but they should absolutely have Wizard etc. skill points on the respective class-oriented items!

Why not just do it the normal way with skill points? It was never like this until Diablo 3.


I guess D2 fans have no problem with their D2 sorc wielding Flail that gives her +3 to all skills and a 40% faster cast rate huh?


Well, maybe a Diablo 2 fan has!