[D4] They still don't get itemization

The legendary drops were predetermined in the demo. They always dropped from the same enemies for everyone. The purpose of the demo was to show different aspects of the game.

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They where in to show them, they all got the same legendaries. Dont worry they wont do the loot rain for a while after its release.

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Thanks, I didn’t know this but I do hope it was just that way for the demo.

They are innovating for the sake of innovation. They don’t understand that they stand on the shoulders of giants who created systems far more fun and intriguing than anything this current team could invent. What they need to do is literally copy paste the gearing and systems from diablo 2 and expand on them. Not fundamentally change them, or mesh them together with systems from diablo 3 like some hybrid abomination. No, have the current team get the memories of anything diablo 3 related wiped from their memories total recall style, copy paste diablo 2 systems in, and literally just expand on them. That’s all it would take to make this game go from a 7/10 into a 10+++/10 game.


Now that would be horrible.

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Hey Jay Wilson, didn’t know you posted on the forums


totally agree, wow I found loads of runes in D2, except that 90% of them are crap and I’m only keeping them to roll up to the next higher level rune, so that I can make the exact rune word that everyone else is using because it’s overpowered.

The funny thing is people are talking all about not having options on stuff and then straight up complain when there is a system being put in place which allows you do make more choice for your character.

It is weird indeed. Not that I would worry that Blizzard listens to them.

He’s not discussing, he’s not making a suggestion that it’s the same engine, he’s speaking like he knows for sure about that lol

And i’m responding like he deserved.

@Cooperton You have some incredible points. Absolutely true about having meaningful choices without convoluting the game. One thing I don’t want is an alternate version of PoE. I like PoE, but it’s unnecessarily complicated and there are hardly explanations for anything in that game. You need a damn encyclopedia with you at all times. And I’m not even really talking about the passive node tree, because that’s really not that bad and it’s neat. It’s just everything from where to find stuff, to items, to weird combos that work or don’t work, to hitting walls that you can’t do anything about, etc.

An overly complicated system like PoE or stupidly simple system like D3 (especially vanilla. What a load of garbage vanilla was.) are both terrible things in their own ways. It looks like D4 is striving for a ton of meaningful variety, that’s intuitive, and also can be worked out in-game. You don’t need an encyclopedia every 10 minutes when you get anywhere significant and items actually have significance. They’re trying to find that right mark. They also mentioned that they want enough legendaries/uniques to absolutely satisfy a ton of various builds. Hopefully they deliver a unique experience. (like the item in the demo for 3x fireballs can be combo’d with bigger fireballs with penetrating/splitting fireballs. Combos like that.)

On a general level, I’m 100% okay with a build supplementary legendary being better than a rare, and a rare being better than a magical, and so on. I’ve never personally understood this obsession with making every item “matter” at the endgame level, when instead of ripping through zones blowing monsters up, you’re picking through trash piles and/or relying on filters to do it for you. To that end, the junk otherwise maintains value as crafting components, and those can further supplement the growth of legendaries, everything still technically matters without the mathematical nightmare of somehow trying to make an all-blue build competitive with all-gold. Further specifics frankly require more info about the game in question.

As for runewords, I’ve always referred to them as a primitive crafting system. Simply gather the materials and poof, can make your item. Presuming the presence of crafter NPCs or something like the cube, D2-style isn’t required in order to emulate this, while Runes can then become more like gems with set bonuses. I would rather not something game changing like an Enigma sort of runewords, nor the hyper rarity of the later D2 runes. Juggling power and rarity is a tricky issue here, and ultimately one where I believe D2 failed if you stopped to consider how many runewords people NEVER used because you would be an idiot to waste such resources when there was likely a better unique for the slot/build.

Ethereal items are also something I don’t want to see return. If we’re being honest, these were basically D2 primals with a drawback. To counter that, you needed either a durability restore mod or a Zod, which pretty much translates to losing a slot to a more interesting affix. Compound this with socketing needs and you can create a proverbial white whale for the player where, if they don’t trade, they’re in for a hard time in place of an annoying one. To some extent, this can be remedied with a means to add sockets at any number of socket level to the desired result, but like runewords, how involved this process may be could be a drawback. D2 and D3 failed here in their own respective ways, where I’ll contend the best option is to allow a crafter to always add a socket to an item up to its respective slot cap assuming they have the materials. Again, adding value to crafting should drop RNG not cooperate.

But yeah, for now I’ll just maintain that further discussion really requires more info because just saying you want something like x or y is both incredibly subjective and often reductive. I’m not impressed with what I’ve seen of D4 so far, but also understanding we’re very early in the dev process. Nor am I going to sit here and be all blanketly condescending to casuals while ignorant of the final product. Core systems need to be established before the fancy things happen. If all you’re gonna do is copy/paste from other games, I’d argue you don’t deserve to be a dev. Also not content with Blizzard’s non-apology on the HK issue, so it’s still possible I won’t even touch the game years from now even if it does come out decent.

They said it’s a brand new engine, but I don’t know what else they said about it. Looking at D3 vs D4 stuff, D4 is clearly different from D3 in many ways. E.G. In-game engine cut scenes vs pre-rendered.

I don’t get it either. I don’t want to sift through all this trash to maybe find something good as a rare. Having everything be potentially good is a pain and then you’re going to want loot filters. I want items that change how I play the game and enhance a playstyle. I don’t want “oh this rare gives me slightly more stats”.

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One way I thought about could change the way we see rares would be adding a player crafted rarity. “Unique” So instead of finding Unique items, make them a crafted thing using Rare items + Crafting materials. They wouldn’t have crazy legendary powers but they could have more Stats than Rares and even have some for specific classes. So you want a staff for a Sorc, you need a Rare Staff + (Correct Materials.) = Unique Sorc Staff. This would make rares useful. How you get the recipe is up for debate. But could have some early level ones to make leveling and gearing more fun.

sadly you’re right. it screams simple d3 formula and power creep all over again.

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Id urge those who are calling for powerful rares to really think about why they want that.
Is it because thats how it was in other games?
Doing something because thats how it was done before is a bad reason.

I think weapon tiers should be significant.
Levels being equal, each tier of item should be better than lower tier items. Always.
I dont believe there is any gameplay benefit to a rare or magic item being as good or better than a leg/set/etc item, circumstantially or otherwise.
Lower tier items being as good as higher tier doesnt add gameplay depth or player agency. It just changes the color of your endgame bis item, and makes lategame looting and sorting take longer.

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I could see them doing this

it would be a long answer to this but this guy on reddit said it better: https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/dqqzmx/a_question_diablo_4_devs_should_be_asking/

I have to completely disagree here.

In D2 every item type had the potential to be BiS on some kind of build and in my eyes that made D2s itemization much more interesting than D3s.
You didn’t simply disenchant all magics and rares without even looking at them.

  • White/Grey items could be used for Runewords
  • Magic Items delivered raw damage potential in form of +3 to all skills of a skill tree or sockets for Jewels
  • Rare and Crafted items had the largest amount of different stats on one single item
  • Sets were a rather cheap but still effective way to gear up your character at the start of a Ladder
  • Uniques and Runewords had very powerful stats that couldn’t appear on Magic, Rare and Crafted items

Even high end equipped characters nearly always had at least 2-5 different viable options per item slot and also 2 characters with similar skill point distribution rarely ever looked the same.

This kind of variety and freedom didn’t exist in D3 and it also won’t exist in D4 if they continue with the way itemization works in it right now.


Agreed. Plus sets shouldn’t be an endgame loot but more like legendary archetype with added bonus stats. No more rolling main stats on item til infinity. I mentioned it in reddit- they should have 4 difficulty types with each of them being harder than previous one and do whole itemization around them to avoid power creep we had in D3. God, I hated lame difficulty in that game…

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Of course! They’re legendaries… nothing short of another legendary item should roll anything close to being as good/better than a legendary. Why would you want a legendary item to be worse than a rare?