[D4] They still don't get itemization

I have to completely disagree here.

In D2 every item type had the potential to be BiS on some kind of build and in my eyes that made D2s itemization much more interesting than D3s.
You didn’t simply disenchant all magics and rares without even looking at them.

  • White/Grey items could be used for Runewords
  • Magic Items delivered raw damage potential in form of +3 to all skills of a skill tree or sockets for Jewels
  • Rare and Crafted items had the largest amount of different stats on one single item
  • Sets were a rather cheap but still effective way to gear up your character at the start of a Ladder
  • Uniques and Runewords had very powerful stats that couldn’t appear on Magic, Rare and Crafted items

Even high end equipped characters nearly always had at least 2-5 different viable options per item slot and also 2 characters with similar skill point distribution rarely ever looked the same.

This kind of variety and freedom didn’t exist in D3 and it also won’t exist in D4 if they continue with the way itemization works in it right now.