4K Poster
A faithful adept of the Holy Church.
Primary Skill - Generate: 6 Faith
50% Chance to irrestibly charm 1 nearby non-elite for 5 seconds, up to 3.
Primary Skill - Generate: 6 Faith
Gain 5% Life.
Cooldown: 30 Seconds
Gain invulnerability for 10 seconds.
Cooldown: 20 Seconds
Gain 30% increased attack speed for 6 seconds.
Secondary Skill - Cost: 40 Faith
Charmed creatures gain a 5% additional chance of critical and area damage for 4 seconds.
Secondary Skill - Cost: 40 Faith Your party gain 15% increased armor for 5 seconds.
Cooldown: 30 Seconds
The soul of enemies within 10 yards leave their body for 5 seconds.
Call Angels
Cooldown: 120 Seconds
Summon 2 angels that use Holy attacks for 10 seconds.
Invoke Devil
Cooldown: 120 Seconds
Summon a demon that uses reincarnation and word soul magic for 10 seconds.
Legendary Powers
- Preach can charm 6 additional non-elites and 1 additional elite
- Preach casts Heal and its charm effects last 4 additional seconds
- Heal is applied within 25 yards and affects your party
- You receive 100% more healing from your Heal
- Heal has a 10% chance to remove all negative conditions
- Charmed creatures benefit your Seal for 15 additional seconds
- Zeal also accelerates your movement speed
- Zeal affects charmed creatures and 1 nearby non-charmed ally
- Bless gains a 20% additional chance
- Bless lasts 6 additional seconds and casts Protect
- While Protect is active, Charmed creatures send back 10% of the damage they receive
- Protect gains a 10% additional increased armor and 20% increased damage reduction
- Expelled souls have a 15% reduced life and when they die, their host dies
- Expel affects enemies within 20 yards and has a 50% chance to charm the hosts for its duration
- Call Angels summons 2 additional angels and they use light magic
- Invoke Devil can use Hell language (new spells)
- Preach instead deals 150% weapon damage as Holy to nearby enemies
- While no creature is charmed, the cooldown of Call Angels and Invoke Devil is reduced by 50%
- You benefit from your Bless and your Holy damage is increased by 15%
- Fantasy: Age of Empires 2 (Wololo), Doctor Strange (Astral Dimension), Dungeon Keeper (Western Monk & Turncoat spell), Baldur’s Gate 3 (OathBreaker), Black Clover (Secre’s Sealing magic & Zagred the Devil, episodes 115-119)
- Builds: Support / Pets / Warrior / Angels / Devil
- Preach: Build an army of Charmed creatures
- Heal: Restore Life
- Seal: Itemization makes Charmed creatures invulnerable
- Zeal: Fast Attack, blur effect
- Bless: Charmed creatures can now deal both Critical Damage and Area Damage
- Protect: More armor for allies
- Expel: Every enemy produces a soul clone.
- Risky but excellent for Area Damage or damage based on the number of enemies. Itemization has a chance to turn the hosts against their own souls for the duration of Expel. Works on Bosses.
- Call Angels: Holy knights come to help you. Itemization increases your Holy damage and grants angels light magic.
- Invoke Devil: Player is a Dark Priest that made a pact with a Devil.
- Word soul magic:
- « Storm of Blades » (Shadow / Physical)
- « Vanish » (Nullify a buff)
- « Vacuum Wall » (Nullify an attack)
- « Return » (Send back an incoming attack)
- « Come here » (Taunt)
- « Get Back » (Push)
- « Heal » (Self Heal to 100%)
- « Iron Spears » (Bone Spikes)
- « Be Crushed, Smashed, Broken to pieces, Riddled with holes » (Gravity / Physical)
- Hell word soul magic:
- « Absorb Magic » (Incapacitate skills by eating Mana)
- « Underworld Monsters » (Pets)
- « Shattering Trident » (Dismembering, Death)
- Reincarnation magic revives dead monsters under the command of the devil
- Option:
- Make Invoke Devil a hidden quest skill, only obtained after fighting the devil in a World Boss event.
- Or after the player made a series of immoral choices (betrayal), the devil appears and proposes a pact.
- Word soul magic:
Dungeon Keeper - Monk
They do double damage to undead creatures and can annihilate your Vampires. (…) These guys are good, really good. Their Pray ability allows them to heal all the surrounding creatures, and their haste and cast armour create the perfect support creature. They can also kill Vampires and stop them resurrecting against you again. One of the better creatures the goodly heroes have to offer in terms of conversion, especially considering their high mana generation rate when praying
Doctor Strange Expel / Astral Projection
Black Clover - Secre’s Sealing Magic
Black Clover - Zagred the Devil
Zagred is a wicked and cruel individual. He looks down on both humans and elves, seeing them as his play things and a means to an end. (…) senses nothing but malicious intent from Zagred’s Ki. He is shown to be extremely sadistic as he finds joy in the despair of others (…) Zagred’s actions come from a deep desire for a body just so he can properly manifest himself and unleash chaos wherever he goes. This displays an extremely selfish and ambitious side as Zagred does not care what methods he has to use in order to achieve that goal. Zagred mocks (…) Zagred taunts the others for their weak magic
Black Clover - Word Soul Magic
This magic attribute allows the user to manipulate their surroundings through speech (…) The user can manifest almost any phenomenon they desire by speaking the proper command. The user can create and control a wide variety of objects, both magical and physical; as well as generate various elements. The user can also use speech to heal injuries, and even control other people and their magic (…) Kotodama is a Japanese belief that words and names have a mystical power.
Word Soul Magic
Hell Language 1
Hell Language 2
NB: For the record, Asgards in Stargate SG1 don’t speak any complex alien language, the showrunners simply inverted their speech and modulated it to appear alien