D4 mounts logic behind

Hi i tryn to understand the logic behind mounts for nephalim do they realy help them and how so if nephalim tireless and super strong and can run faster or jump far distance wht for mounts added to game ? tnx

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It is not for D4 heroes. It is for the players who doesn’t mind to buy mount with real money.


MMOs often have mounts…

It’s because of the vast size of the world… D4’s basically gonna contain an open world that contains all the D1/2/3 areas (albeit not all open for the player maybe), and more

Speaking of which, it’s also a cause of concern to me tbh - because UNLESS there are environment hazards, storeys/layers and whatnot, battles in an open space aren’t that much of an interesting concept IMO


There is not need for mounts, they are trying to do far to much again. Just make a real Diablo game this time.

Yeah, I thought it was a little weird to see a mount in this kind of game.


I thought were not going to be nephalem in D4.


I thought we were Nephalem just in a weaken state by the time of D4. I could be wrong.

  • Or are the Nephalem our ancestors and we are just peon’s by the time of D4?

As far as I know of, they haven’t stated whether or not we’ll be Nephalems in Diablo 4. That said, with the Worldstone gone and some more time having passed since it’s destruction, I think it’s safe to assume there being more Nephalems (or at least humans who tapped into their Nephalem birthright) in Diablo 4 than there was in Diablo 3. As such, I think our characters will either be humans who tapped into their Nephalem power, but still fall short of an awoken Nephalem, or they’ll be an awoken Nephalem whose power is among the lowest calibur of Nephalems.

Either way, I doubt they’ll be as powerful as the Diablo 3 Nephalems.


Malthael killed off 90% of humanity and D4 takes place decades afterwards, I have a feeling only the players and a few others will be able to tap into our powers as it may have been “forgotten” again by many to fit the narrative and theme.

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I don’t think so. I think we’ll be dealing with more humans who tapped into their Nephalem powers. Besides, I doubt the powers will be “forgotten”, rather the person may not even realize they’re Nephalem similar to the D3 heroes at the start of the game.

Also with Lilith being back in the picture, I thik she’ll try to cultivate Humanity’s nephalem potential as weaponizing it had been one of her primary objectives since Sanctuary’s creation.

But we’ll see.


We have seen just a relative handful of powered up nephalem since the worldstone was destroyed. With the destruction of 90% of humanity I’m pretty certain we won’t be seen many outside of the players, just like it has always been.

The whole world seems to have regressed from a technological standpoint, so having many 8n touch with their powers seems unlikely. Considering how that worked out for Lilith last time I doubt she’ll dabble in helping to power us up again.

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We’ve only seen a handful of Nephalems, but we know that there were a few more appearing by the end of Diablo 3 RoS, as Vidian was having Nephalems sacrificed in order to empower himself. So if just those few were showing up after some months of RoS ending, then I’m sure many more would show up decades after, especially since there’s no Worldstone to keep their power in check.

As for Lilith, her primary interest behind humanity is weaponizing them for their Nephalem potential, and I doubt that’ll change. If anything, the events of the Sin wars would’ve likely made her all the more determine to actually succeed.

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This is a great question. Also Nephalem are masters of transportation magic(teleports/waypoints), they can traverse long distances easily without a horse.

Hmm yeah… I’d be surprized if there was no mount shop for D4 seeing as how aggressively milked it is in WoW.

How is it a diablo game if you are not Nephalem? May as well make a brand new ARPG with horses instead of hijacking the Diablo brand.


We have always been nephalem. After the sin wars the worldstone was used to make us forget. Magic use, the ability to use special abilities is us taping into our latent powers. With the worldstone gone everyone can tap into it if the choose.

So why would that be any different in D4?

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Most likely not every area will have a waypoint for players to travel to, hence the need for a mount.

There will likely be a cash shop that sells mounts, but some mounts will be obtainable through in-game activity.

I mean the Diablo 1 and 2 heroes weren’t Nephalems, because the Worldstone was still there. We didn’t play as Nephalems until Diablo 3, which took place after the Worldstone’s destruction.


See D1-D2 for that.

Pretty sure this whole D3 nephalem thing won’t be mentioned in D4, whether or not our characters are supposed to be one. They want us to feel like actual humans that can fear the power of Hell, not some kind of superhero rushing through hordes of demons like butter.

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Everyone is a nephalem, from the Player in all 3 games, to Deckard Cain to that fool of a boy the blacksmith was mentoring.

It’s training, heritage and natural skill that push the few above the rest. Theoretically, Wirt (and his legs) could have yolo-soloed the Heaven’s and Hells if he was born into the right circumstances.

Sanctuary is populated by the offspring of Inarius and Lilith, respectively angel and demon.

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Correction: Everyone has the potential to become Nephalem. But that doesn’t mean that everyone is one. Of all the Diablo heroes, only the Diablo 3 heroes managed to become Nephalem.


That’s not the way D3 describes it. Everyone keep screaming “you’re THE nephalem !!!” like some sort of chosen one.

If every human is a nephalem, then it doesn’t even matter to mention it. I stand on the side of Oblivion on this one.

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