[D4] It is PAY FOR POWER as long as GAMBLING allows legendary drops

I usually put in 100 hours in the first week of a season. I like to give away gear to people in my group, and I want to be able to share gear with clan / friends. I don’t want that to be taken away from me.
Like I said, I’m living my best life - if people bot or sell gold to hurt the community, screw them.

Then the game is not about slaying monsters, but about giving/sharing gear.

I’d also gave away gear to random players in D2, all my gear since I didn’t play NS, which was usually worth more than 100 ISTs. But only at the last day of the Season.

Maybe something like this could get done in Diablo 4: FREE UNLIMITED TRADING during last day of Season.

We play the game straight for the whole Season with no trading interference and the last day of Season becomes one big open market where all the folks could enjoy it the way they like:

  • Giving away stuff
  • Profiting/buying
  • Scamming/trolling

Yes. Honestly, when you give random people gear in an A-RPG, you are essentially ruining their gameplay experience imo.

Yeah let’s remove trading because someone else (not you guys presumably) is OK with being handed gear… That’s a great idea…

If someone wants to give someone else stuff then that’s fine. If the game is good then people won’t have multiple sets of godly stuff during a Ladder anyway, and people who receive stuff will generally have upgrades unless they make “Diablo” 3 sequel where everything is fixed sets (Legendaries are effectively sets if all your slots are locked to a single piece, which is how D3 LoN/LoD works)

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The way I see it gambling just by pure lottery and not against other players is completely pointless. It should be some kind of wager. And it should be done with blood shards, which can be gotten from bosses and PvP or something. Wagers on PvP matches will be great too.

You have really just the worst, most awful ideas, ever.

:confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball:

Your assertion that open trading is bad for dedicated and competitive D2 players is complete garbage.