[D4] How important is PvP to you?

In its current form PvP will be located within the Fields of Hatred. Based on what we have seen so far are you excited for this form of PvP. I like the fact that it will be in set locations. I do not want people bothering me in the open world.


  1. So far it looks good, but I will need to see more before I decide.

  2. I love to go hostile on people who do not know what they are doing.

  3. I do not care for PvP and will not waste my time with it.

  4. I might get my backside handed to me, so I will only do it with help from friends.

  5. I think I will try it out but if it is not fun, I will move on to other things and never go back.

  6. I want to test myself with other players of equal skill, bring it on.

  7. If I can obtain the cosmetic in the open world, I see no need for the PvP shards.

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Zero interest. For me ARPGs are not PvP games.


#3. Waste of time and less than 0 interest. In fact, its existence is a detriment to my excitement.


I’m interested in it. Part of the reason I’ve played Diablo 2 for so long was because of pvp dueling (not pk, but actually dueling). For the most part, I’m liking how pvp is looking with Diablo 4, albeit more could be done imo, like having a large demon spawn at the fields of hatred area that attacks nearby players, and players have to choose between defeating it (for a lot of shards) or attacking other players.

That said, I’m mostly glad that the pvp zones aren’t at pve areas, so pve players aren’t forced to pvp (assuming they don’t care for the cosmetics). That’s always been my stance, while I want pvp, I don’t want players who dislike it and/or care little for it to be forced into it.


#3 No interest here. Definitely don’t want anything like D2R where someone goes hostile all the time and most likely to go hostile on n00b players. It’s annoying as crap. No thanks. Hate it.


I will most likely be #5. I will try it at least once.

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Extremely important.

I get bored gearing up my character to max unless I’m trying to get powerful for pvp.

I would even like being able to turn pvp on in the open world so when two people walk past each other who both have pvp on they can fight if they wish. This is supposed to be a rare circumstance and reminds me of invasions in Dark Souls. I would love to have encounters like this.

I think fields of hatred is a really cool idea, a survival type game mode. Will be really fun for solo and small group gank type gameplay.

I would like to see more game modes like maybe moba elements but blown up to an Alterac Valley size battlefield actually looking like a real hell vs heaven battle with armies of monsters pushing at each other and large teams. Like fighting in a real war essentially that can have lots of different outcomes throughout the course of the game meaning repetitive macthes can always feel different. Small objectives to take as you push through like assualt mode in unreal tournament and taking towers like Alterac Valley. This type of stuff.

I think there’s a huge crowd of pvp gamers out there who are also hungry for pve games mixed with pvp. Moba players in particular I think would be very interested in end game competitive Diablo pvp.


Same. I might try it out, just because it is there. But if it was not there, I would be completely fine with that too.
So somewhere around #3 or #5

It is fine to have PvP in the game though. Some people like it.
As long as it does not negatively affect PvE, such as by affecting the balancing of skills etc. in a bad way.


If the open world has a lot to offer like expanding the lore and story (locate the lore books), NPC side quests, changing situations like clearing out a camp that changes each time, maybe each time you go into an area we need to do something different. If the “zones” change a little each time, I will most likely not spend a lot of time in PvP. I would rather spend my time in the world doing new things. That is why I run solo most of the time.

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Indeed, this is they key part. PvE should never be affect by the existence of PvP in any way. As long as that remains true, I also don’t mind that PvP exists for those who enjoy it.


I like what they are doing with the Fields of Hatred in D4. If you want to PvP you have a place for it. If you do not want to waste your time with it, you do not need to. I would be PO if I had to deal with dweebs wanting to go hostile on me in the open world. I do not need people bothering me when I am trying to do something.

What about if someone could challenge you to a duel? I would like options for consensual pvp.

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To tell you the truth I like to run solo I do not even want to see other players in my game.


Dueling should exist for sure. I pretty much cant imagine it wont exist.

There just need to be a setting to auto-ignore duel requests. People harassing with that in MMOs can be pretty annoying.


People can have all this shared world MMO nonsense, just give me a “Solo/Do not disturb” toggle.


I don’t think I will participate much but I’m very happy to see this feature back into Diablo since there are people that care about it. Maybe I’ll watch some matches if it happens to be successful.

However it doesn’t feel right to me that PvP is restricted to specific areas only. Part of the fun in D2 was the possibility to duel anywhere with a group of friends. With the open-world in D4 there’s really some lost opportunities.

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I think if they add duels and the ability to turn pvp on and off it would solve this. That way you can do impromptu 1v1s and group battles in the open world.

Even gank people or be ganked if you have pvp on while playing pve solo.

You’ll always be safe when you get to a dungeon, town or instance anyway. I like the fear of running around the open world with the threat of incoming ganks, it makes riding your mount so much more fun!

I wanna be in a literal horse chase running away from bandits, or sometimes be the bandit/s :slight_smile:

to me, PVP should be removed entirely, and never exist in the diablo universe. its too easily abused by people to promote unfun, unfair, and fundamentally awful “gameplay”


Hopefully/presumably the chance of encountering other people randomly in the game world is so small that group battles would never happen. You just wouldnt ever see more than a few people together at the same time.

I’d be fine with some kind of WoW PvP toggle, where PvP activated players get grouped together in world bosses and other events. With the ability to murder each other instead of the world boss.

Which is also the PvP content I think I’d like more; PvPvE.
10 people in front of a world boss. You cant really solo the boss, so people need to work together to kill it. But the closer it gets to being killed, the more people are encouraged to turn on each other, to kill everyone, and get all the rewards for yourself.
That could be somewhat fun PvP imo.

I was more thinking organised group events like you see in D2 pvp with everyone watching 1v1s from the sidelines but also being able to just all jump into a big battle royale if they wanted. If you made a party maybe you could see more people when you walk out of town.

I would also love to see more pvepvp modes like Alterac valley or something. This was always one of my favourite pvp experiences. I would love to see it modernised and revived.

A large map mode with a war and battle going on with mobs so plenty of mob killing for the pve lovers. With actual interesting objectives, primary and secondary (secondary not being mandatory, perhaps time sensitive or able to be stopped before its completed by the other team removing it for the remainder of the match). With small ganking parties being effective in sneaky areas or smaller objectives like the tower taking in AV and larger organised front lines pushing against waves of enemies and duking it out against the other sides best warriors (other players ofc). Like mix a moba but with the aesthetics of a large scale war (ie way more mobs! This is Diablo after all) with the starting fight or bridge fight in AV. Competing for downing mini bosses for buffs and pushing into the enemies castle and killing an enemies king for the win would be awesome too.