Respec limits take care of that.
Also, make sure you cant share activity stuff between your characters. Like keys for key dungeons should be bound to th character who finds it.
Do you realize how problematic this whole line of argumentation is? Not just by you, it shows up quite often!
Blizzard need to just cancel D4, if the fact that math exists, is such an issue… They apparently cant do anything, since some people will dare to use math against it…
No. It doesn’t matter that some people will be able to calculate optimal choices. Just try to make as many different choices as possible, as close to each other as possible.
And as above, have different content to do, so the math ends up with different optimal choices for different content. With an inability to easily respec between those.
Aka. diversity.
It should not be taken away. The fact that a cooldown heavy build want CDR is good. Or a crit focused build want crit.
What needs to happen is merely that only a small subset of builds want CDR, and only a small subset of builds want crit. Etc. By making sure crit and cooldown skills/CDR are not overpowered.
As for classes, no class should ever need a specific affix/stat. If that happens, you designed it badly.
As said above, this behavior can be designed against too.
Another part of that is; do NOT make any end-game lvling system account wide. That way, if you jump between characters to do different activities, each of them will be lower lvl.
Oh, I know he has blocked me. But I refuse to let his posts stand without response, even if he cant read it (actually, that part is only positive :P). Arguing against it is still relevant for the overall discussion on whatever the topic might be.
I would like to believe he isnt trolling. And he probably didn’t start as one. But the way he always jumps into any discussion with “nuh uh, Diablo 2 is also bad!”, even in cases where nobody had mentioned or thought about either D2, or D3, makes it hard to believe that is not part of the goal. Just seems like an attempt to make any discussion be stuck in the past, as an endless D2 vs. D3 conflict. Which, at minimum is very troll-like.
I have nothing against his views. People are more than welcome to argue in favor of Diablo 3 and criticize Diablo 2/PoE etc. Only got an issue with his ways of “engaging” with people on the forum, which has destroyed plenty of interesting threads over time.
(and I know I am also derailing this thread, just wanted to clarify what I think the issue
is, luckily KM cant read it, so I’ll end it here )
This might not be a “fun” solution, but honestly, just dont add sets to D4 imo. At least not for a long while. Giving Blizzard a chance to get other aspects right before adding something they have shown they clearly could not handle.
As for how I would design sets;
Smaller sets (as I agree about taking up too many slots), as in 2-3 part sets, with 1-2 set bonuses. We have quite a few of those in D3 as well, and they are mostly fine (although they too has become overpowered, in an attempt to make them relevant again).
The bonuses should of course be fairly small, with so few pieces. Make it about some “theme”.
As for sets giving a cohesive character look. Allowing cosmetic items somewhat solves that part.
But, one thing here could also be to design items as belonging to a set, in terms of its visual design, without it functioning as sets.
Like have 5 unique items that all is part of some “Tal Rasha” theme. Tal Rashas armor, boots and all that. They have a coherent look. And some of the unique affixes might even have stuff in common (like empowering magic). But, they are not a set. You can use whichever parts you want, and there are no bonuses for using all of them.
That also adresses the “lore feel”. And the completionism feel to a lesser degree.
That preserves one of the main issues with D3 sets. Blizzard pre-designing our builds.
Even if you would avoid spending a lot of item slots on it, you still risk all builds centering around those set bonuses.
Also, it is basically just power creep, allowing us both a set, and other items, without having to choose. Which might be okay, if the additional system is worth the power creep. But here it feels like it is just more power with no drawbacks.
To some degree. However runes are skill specific, and uniques very much should not be skill-specific. So a bit more generalized runes.
The direct D3 runes should mostly exist as skill upgrades in the skill tree (preferably individual skill trees).