I am starting to wonder whether or not you’re weak minded, or you’re trolling for the sake of trolling.
You’re asking for an unreasonable amount of proof. I would have to literally become a criminal and hack into Blizzard’s servers in order for me to be able to give you the exact number of active players on D3. I’m obviously not going to do that.
Based on my estimation, we have maybe 12K active players on the EU region… and that’s at the start of the season…
Back in 2016 when the first major ban waves happened, I eded up on the ladder after merely doing Seasonal Journey. If that’s not indicative, that there are not many active players, then I don’t know what is.
But if you somehow believe, that this game has a large player base, then I can safely say, that you’re delusional.
Again, you make me wonder whether or not you’re weak minded.
D2 is a game from a different era, it came out 20 years ago. I can tell you that even in 2007, 2011, 2014 there were many people who were playing the season and actively trading… hell, I even played back in 2017 and the game was awesome.
But yes, it is normal for a 20 year old game to has less engagement nowadays, even though it’s still a solid game for today’s standard (aside from the graphics).
You on the other hand are comparing that to D3. The game came out back in 2012 and it was heavily criticized.
In 2014 RoS was released and it’s almost a completely different game.
Again, back in 2016 when the first big ban waves happened, I wasn’t really competing in that particular season, but did the seasonal journey, I think for an extra stash tab… and I ended up on the ladder. Again, if that’s not an indication as to the level of engagement and active players, I don’t kow what is… and that was merely 2 years after RoS released.
Do you honestly believe, that the number of active players has vastly increased since then? Because I highly doubt it.
No, it is not, because people playing D2 20 years after it’s release is impressive;
people barely playing RoS 2 years after it’s release is indicative, that most fans of the genre are getting their hack & slash Action RPG fix in other games.
If you can’t differentiate between the two, the problem is entirely yours.
And also, just look at D4. If you think, that people would enjoy their progress being invalidated every 12-15 months or so and no item permanence whatsoever, I promise you – the fans of the franchise don’t enjoy that.
If you’re a fan of that – World of WarCraft is the game for you… and was noobified throughout the years due to players like you, to the point, that people asked for WoW Classic.
With D4 Blizzard are already taking a turn for the better… with the exception of the low lvl cap. If their plan is to release expansions often, and instead of selling something solid like LoD in terms of content, but merely a zone or two and a 5-10 lvl cap increase, that will only sabotage the game instead of contribute in any way for player retention.