I just wanted to mention that in one of the forums, the character designers was explaining that he applies a lighting outline on the character and monsters. I really feel that given the darker themed diablo this time, we could do away with having a light outline on characters and monsters, portraying the true darker color scheme on the characters.
I’m not an expert in design but this was just my opinion. Let me know your thoughts.
I really can’t stand how the monsters all light up like christmas trees when you hit them in D4. It reminds me of arcade pinball or something. Totally kills the mood, especially when you see them flashing outside of your light radius. It looks so bad. There are better ways to make sure we know we’re damaging enemies. Why do we need to explain these basic things
Hopefully they add items that do more damage with less visibility. In d1 there was an item which i can’t exactly 100% remember the name i think it was goderdamerung or something like that decreased light radius but it gave more damage affix. I wouldn’t mind something like that. if anything it provides a choice of can i see the whole screen and zoom through it or do more damage but i can’t see around the corner.
I am confused,. This id regarding D3 or D4? If D4 the totle should reflect that.
Yes, make highlight more subtle ro just remove the highlight as an option.
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Title fixed! … Def D4, too late for D3.
Never understood this request of making Diablo games DARKER,DARK… ok, the atmoshfere can be darker but that not means of removing “lightning” effects… come on man… let the games look cool, because now there is enough technology to look cool. when Diabnlo 2 was developed this was not really possible.
or want to make Diablo 4 as Black and White game like Limbo?
making it into a cartoon is not making it look cool. grim dawn or path of exile are good examples of the dark theme, which Blizzard seems to have forgotten how to do even with Diablo 4 having much, much more blood, which I shouldn’t even have to say in the first place
I use reshade. It’s perfect for making the game darker and sharper.
Before: ht tps://postimg.cc/MfffDFrD
After: ht tps://postimg.cc/HcRCQZMd
(Delete space between the t’s.
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Or you could pot your links like this…
- Copy the URL to the clipboard
- Paste the URL into your forum post
- Highlight the URL in your post
- Click the </> button in the editor
- This will turn your URL into pre-formatted text
- Whilst not clickable, the URL will be properly formatted so others can copy / paste it like this…
However, just for you…
exactly, I hope the team sees this! I like the darker theme, maybe a bit less on the contrast though but overall it hits the spot.
Yeah i don’t get it too… That glowing light on monsters is too much. Have a different way to know which monsters we are targetting/clicking/hitting, not glowing Christmas tree lights please…
At least add options to turn it on/off.
I’d rather have this then the often time unreadable mess that can be groups of mobs in PoE.
I can do without them lighting up all flashy and colorful unless it is displaying effects like on fire, poisoning or something like that. But readability is important IMO.
Yes it is important that we know what monsters is being selected, but there are other ways to do this. Maybe use the diablo 1 way, thin red line highlighting the monsters,it was very readable/noticeable to me.
I play Diablo 1 : The Hell 2 mod tho, so idk if this is from the mod, i havent played original d1 for a long time.
We can agree on something. Thin line bright enough just to be seen is all I need. If they go the route of champions, rates, elites and such, them standing out a bit is good too. Just so you immediately know without having to read the nameplate.
100% this. When I watched the gameplay, the first thing that stood out like a sore thumb was the constant blinking monsters. Are they trying to give us seizures? Other than that the game looks gorgeous. I don’t mind a thin red outline but let’s do away with the flashing monsters.
Dark is great but we do still need to see what is happening around us.
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Awesome feedback here guys, Thanks! Let’s hope someone from the design team sees this and hopefully they address it, that too and adding an element of mystery to the game by decreasing the light radius of the characters like they used to in d1-2.
Not the main topic i know but i would also like to remove (or an option to turn on/off) the indication to climb places. I mean, it is great to have it as a tutorial thing (and in the demo to let people know you can climb now) but i think later it shouldn’t be there. It is a part of discover the world, check if you can climb this or that, if you can enter this or that place. I think there shouldn’t be a neon sign telling you can go there or not.
I agree with you. I think it should be highlighted when the mouse hover the climbing zone, just like any object to interact with. Also, I think halos of light going out of thecaves and dungeons are bad. It make the game look high fantasy and a reminder that we play a game. It’s an immersion breaker.
d1 and d2 did not have that.
They just need to bright up the whole entrance when the mouse hover it, and locate the entrance on the mini-map. Questbook should be here to guide the player anyway.