[D4] Current inventory concept breaks immersion

Then compare it to any one of your threads…it’ll be stellar in comparison.

The thread is a meme now

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Erm i guess you can dream lol

You don’t like the villager mechanic, Lolli?

It’s lame to only be able to carry 1 item. It was lame when Diablo 2 was reduced to that because you wanted an inventory full of charms. It’s lame in any game where you’re supposed to be constantly finding a lot of loot.

You talk about wanting a lot of people to play Diablo 4 but this isn’t the kind of thing people will enjoy. People don’t want to spend much time worrying about their inventory.

Even inventory tetris isn’t super popular around here. Hell like I noted before even in D&D a lot of people ignore inventory management because it’s seen as little more than busywork.

Not just Lolli, i havent seen anyone agreeing whit you or likeing your idea. Some are even makeing fun of it. You’re just to stuborn to let it rest.

You just make more choices regarding pick up of items. This raises the skill cap.

How many items should the player collect in their inventory/BoH at maximum? I’d say no more than 4 big weapons or 2 armors.

This doesn’t make the game better for me. It makes it worse because the choice is annoying.

They should be able to carry more than that from the moment they create their character.

There is no value to be gained in making the player go back to town every 2 minutes or simply just skip 99% of the loot.

~20 armors/weapons/rings/etc. seems reasonable.

That will never happen. It is not a significant or difficult choice. At “best” it is a chore.

D4 definitely should raise the skill cap. Through more demanding and tactical combat, through deeper itemization and build choices. Not through some imagined difficulty of playing Tetris and ‘Go back to town 20 times’.

OP doesn’t advocate for this. It aims:

  • More immersion (from both player and monster side)
  • More options regarding collection of items
  • More conscious decisions about item pickups

The game should not drop big quantity of loot after each pack of monsters is killed. Also, not all monsters are going to be equipped with weapons and armor thus the player would be able to collect receipts. The situation where the player would miss on a lot of loot is big battles if he doesn’t have a villagers contract.

Optimally we want the player to inspect some items after a battle is over and decide whether to take something with him. The scenario where you mindlessly collect everything like in D3 or you pick only some currency from gazillion of drops like in PoE doesn’t make sense for D4 where the pace is slower. D4 has to be closer to D2 in this regard - less loot from battles and more decisions.

You do realize making the looting aspect of a loot game an annoying aspect of the game, will kill your game right?

This is DIABLO as in Primevil Forces and the High Heavens, guess what? I KNOW IT’S FICTION

So no, I don’t need ‘realism’ in my HIGH FANTASY escape game.

You want realize, go join a survival crafting game. Diablo 4 is not a realistic survival game.

I’m glad you like those features, they can be really cool in games MEANT for them.

Hey, I know, let’s add free-throws and field goals to Diablo…

What’s that? Doesn’t fit the theme? Naww… dun care I likes da foosball bobby i wantsda kickies!

I’d roll my eyes but the energy I’d want to put behind it on this particular topic means I’d be looking to see where they popped out at

It doesn’t matter a whole lot what you’re advocating for when your ideas will result in skipping almost all the loot because I can’t carry any of it.

Recipes are fine and all and I don’t expect a loot rain from every mob, but this is a Diablo game.

I expect quite a bit of loot to drop that are actual equippable items.

That won’t be the case. You’d skip on some arsenal you don’t need or you think you don’t need.

Obviously the monsters are not using the items they drop.
The Sorcerer Pocket Dimension Guild really likes gold, and in the year 1211 they started to sell pocket dimensions to monsters too. Yes, even non-sapient animal monsters. Greed is one hell of a drug.

Yes. A lot less drops. That isnt a good reason for limiting the inventory a whole lot. Even with reasonably low droprates, you are going to find 20+ item within X minutes. So you end up having to either go back to town to sort out those items, or pick up fewer items (“decisions”!).
This happens already in A-RPGs. Without destroying the game flow in the process.

If you can only carry 1-2 items, you would presumably skip on all but 1-2 items.

I’ll skip on everything I don’t need, which means either:

  1. You’re rarely ever dropping loot.
  2. I’m getting upgrades every 2 minutes even in the endgame.
  3. I ignore 99% of loot.

Feel free to take your pick as to which one. None of them are a game I would like to play.

Skipping is okay as long as the player is upgrading his gear and progressing his character without the travel options to interfere with this.

I think we all here agree that regarding collection of loot D2 is far more rewarding than D3 or PoE. OP aims to further strengthen this aspect. It’s then a matter of other in-game factors how big exactly the BoH should be or, or mount’s saddlebags, or telekinesis energy, or villagers, or TP cost.

What OP aims is to diversify the process of collection of items and make it so that the player isn’t some mad trader/salvager (D3) or currency collector (PoE).

I think you are too attached to D3 looting. However, I regard D3 looting as very lame approach, in fact I can’t think of more lame loot collection in any other aRPG.

For example, for me it’s fun when the monsters dropped 2 items of similar value, I picked one and at the next battle it turned out to be not the optimal choice. I can then return or decide to continue forward. First option costs me time, the second involves more risk due to me having worse stats. These are good and meaningful choices. Stacking everything brainlessly is outdated gameplay.

Terrible idea all around. Why? Multiple reasons:

  1. Because videogame players don’t like it. If you’re looking to expand a playerbase, by including all the people, who are playing the games, for all sorts of different reasons, you’d have to give a player an infinite stash and a huge inventory. Why? Because a large amount of players are hoarders. And those players won’t buy and play the game about looting, that won’t let them collect every single item in the entire game. You can even look at PoE, with all the possible stash tabs, that allow players to hoard pretty much anything. Cards, maps, currency, every single unique item in the game, quad stash tabs, etc. The other extreme example is PlugY. Who the hell plays D2 offline without PlugY? On top of that, have you ever noticed, that all the mods for D2, popular anyway, including the latest mods like Path of Diablo INCREASE your inventory and stash sizes. And the size of the cube. And on top of that, quite often, build PlugY in too. Hooray limitless stash.
  2. Did you ever get to the lategame in any ARPG? Did you ever “learn” to play an ARPG fast and efficient? Did you, at least, see once, how experienced and longtime players play DII and DIII? I don’t think you did, which is the point. No “pro”, ever, picks everything up. When you start a new character in Vanilla DII, you’re interested in making gold, fast. You skip 99% of all drops anyway, regardless of your inventory and stash. Which means only ever picking up items, that have a decent/good value at an NPC shop. Jewelry (which you can fill pockets with, so your “inventory” argument is null here), a couple of throwing knives and wands with +skills on them. You just skip everything else, except for a rare, unique or set item, which don’t have a high drop chance on lvl 1 on Normal anyway.
    In DIII, given the player has a decent speed farming build with some augments (and pretty much everybody does), players only ever stop for a Primal Drop. So these players, me included, won’t really care at all.
  3. Both DII and DIII (and DIV will too) have an NPC, that can give you the best items in the game using ingame gold or blood shards. So you’re also using them a lot. Without ever leaving town. No need to make “hard” choices here.

Your argument is weak, because the only thing, that you’ll ever achieve with a system like that, is drive the player satisfaction and the player numbers down. Because new/casual players, who like to be rewarded and identify every single item in the game, won’t like it. Top players, as specified above, don’t care anyway, because they hardly pick anything up. At all. Except for the most valuable items ever.

Seriously, where does there need to be loot? Make it all point based. Create a game where the pregame is about questing and different quest lines grants you different types of points, which you use to strengthen your character. All paths will ultimately lead to the final end game and your build is defined by which path you’ve chosen and how you got there.

… See no loot needed.

Because if you want realism, I’m going to ask why the hell are monsters carrying gold. Do they use it as a currency? Why are they carrying all this loot that they don’t even use? I mean… that’s the real question here.

But we all know that once Cyberpunk online comes out, nothing else will matter.

  1. A zombie is a former human being. I’ve heard those need and love gold.
  2. A skeleton is also a former human being. From a grave. Those (graves) have some items in them too. That’s, sort of, the custom, that spans across different cultures and millenia.
  3. Demon, a large part of them anyway, can use magic to disguise themselves as human beings. To spy. Or weave a dark plot against humanity. Or whatever. Those would have gold on them too.

I’d love to hear his take on CP2077s inventory. That is just as immersion “breaking” as any other game. rolls eyes