Thats good to hear then, if the Season passes are just cosmetics and “fun” stuff; then i’ll be happy.
As stated above this is not the account that got the invite. So maybe this account will be blacklisted.
I got one today. I’m not going to use it. Blizzard will give it to someone else.
I asked CMs about this today.
Not that I know of. Folks in the EU and South America have been invited. The invite is in English though, and they will have to play on the NA test realm so lag may be in issue.
This !!!
If you do not reply, then yes. The slot will go back into the pool and will be granted to another account the next invite wave.
There are no keys for this. Access is directly granted to your Bnet account by Blizz.
I didn’t get any and I’d be surprised if I ever get one. Lately, I barely have time to play games because I have a rather busy work schedule. When I get back home, I play anything for a little while then go back to get ready for tomorrow’s schedule. Sometimes I only skim through forums, read online articles or watch videos instead of playing anything between tons of installed games.
Even if I get an invite, which I’d like to, I know I won’t have enough time to test the game in and out. I may appreciate its design, but Blizzard wants valuable feedback, which they won’t get any from me. I know the main course elements, but I can’t cobble a working build in a whim like well known pillars of the community.
Even if you do and only play test a little, all information gathered, like system specs, performance, what you did, and any feedback provided is useful whethere you played a couple of hours to 100s of hours.
Maybe the average email user in the average populatuon. I’d beg to differe for gamers. Even then, if anyone is concerned, it’s real easy to verify.
Thank heavens. I strive to be unique in every aspect, the thought of being just one of the crowd sickens me.
I received a mail on 09/27/2022 and I opted in.
But i didn’t receive anything since this.
How could they heh… it’s just not right!
My wife got hers, aswell as the regular people I play immortals with, I havnt got it a little disheartened as I have logged many hours in d2 d3 and immortals, where as they have just started on immortals no other track record so not sure how blizzard are picking
They’ll continue to send out email invites until around November 18th, so there’s still time and a chance you’ll get an invite. If not, then there’s still the open beta next year if you’re still interested.
Haven’t checked my email in forever and unless there’s some sort of “wc3 hero survival”-style team vs. team PvP where you throw gobs of monsters at each other I’m not terribly interested. Though I would be interested to see what ultimately passes for substantial PvE content without the aid of a continuous content pipeline, art assets and things. For example I would have no issue tackling 100 variations on the same bosses with incrementally scarier effects. Let’s go!
Correct. The deadline to complete that part is early Oct. I assume the next step will be after that deadline passes and those who were in that first wave get more info.
I checked the domain on mine and it seemed legit (and I got many other notifications from blizz through it0. All the warnings, if I’m reading them correctly are related to sharing the URL or email for the sign up and using it if it’s not yours or disclosing information about the game.
I mean theoretically someone can snoop email traffic and get everything in the email. The language initially concerned me for that reason because someone could try to use the URL you were given without your knowledge or consent as email is not encrypted, but the language seems more around banning people who try to use the URL and weren’t invited. Which is kind of weird. I feel like they could have done something different that’s more fool proof.
I’m just hoping that they didn’t send these over a month before they’re actually starting the test, would be really anti-climactic for me, I might forget or get distracted by the time they tell me how to play.
Also blizz if you’re reading this, please invite game lore Dash. About 3 of us on his disc have received invites and while he may not be the most prolific Diablo creator, his content on it is really cool. We’re hoping to make a full party ; )
I think its worded that way in case you were to share the link and someone else tried to use it for their account. It would probably flag both theirs and yours and prevent either of you from participating.
But that’s my guess.
As for timing, I suspect the first round will happen about 2 weeks into October. There will more than likely be a few rounds of testing. Or an ongoing with people getting added in waves.
I thought so too, but re-reading I’m not so sure. But if this is true, it’s a huge oversight because email isn’t encrypted (usually). Bad actors can start snooping blizzard email and using the URLs on their fake bnet accounts and get people locked out of the beta.
I keep getting promo emails isntead and it really hurts
I think once the legitimate people had registered, that won’t work. Now if the link got used by a bad actor before the real person got a chance to use it, that might be a cause for concern. But I can’t answer to that if its an actual concern or not. No idea.
Make sure you are signed up to receive invites by going here and following the steps listed for your launcher near the bottom:
Good luck!
I really wish there was a way to give feedback on that email or have a conversation with their security team.