D4 Arrows and ranged classes šŸ¹

Here is the idea, you have your regular skills and within those skills you can select different arrows. With that in mind, letā€™s list some skills and arrows

Volley (Fire 5 arrows in a cone in front of you)
Charge Attack (Channeling, increase damage the longer you charge, max 2 sec charge time)
Rapid Fire(Channeling, increase attack speed while channeling)
Ricochet (Attacks bounce to nearby enemies)

Explosive Arrow (Deals damage in a large AoE, 5 Charges, 2 second recharge time)
Piercing Arrow (Pierce enemies armor, 60 charges, 0.1 sec recharge time)
Shrapnel Arrow (Deals additional damage to enemies in a cone behind the first target hit, 15Charges, 0.5sec recharge time)

Letā€™s combine them

Volley/Explosive Arrows : Fire 5 explosive arrows in a cone in front of you.(high AoE damage, long recharge time, can use skill with less than 5 charges but the other arrows will be regular arrows)

Rapid Fire/Piercing Arrow : Fire piercing arrows with high attack speed (fast single target damage, short recharge time)

Ricochet/Shrapnel Arrow : Fire Shrapnel Arrows that bounce to nearby enemies( Medium AoE damage, medium recharge time)

And you can change the arrows however you want. Ricochet/Explosive, Rapid Fire/Shrapnel, etc.


sounds fun :smiley:
a combination of skills and arrows provides a lot of creative gameplay and building :slight_smile:

Iā€™ll also add that you can still use the skills even when you donā€™t have charges as long as you have the resource(mana/stamina). The arrows will just give a bonus. And you can use the same arrow for different skills but it will have the same charges.

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I actually would love to see a limited stock on unique arrows. Like you have infinite arrows by default, but there are unique arrows with unique on-hit effects that have limited stock and you would need to re-stock on them. You could for example have an extra button when you have the arrow in your inventory to toggle using it on/off.

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Being able to equip different kinds of arrow is good, but putting them as a limited resource is just game breaking in ARPGs like diablo.

It would be better if you can equip them in a quiver slot in inventory, and they will act like an item and not a resource (no uses limits nor tied to quantity).


Demanding a limitation like this that impacts only 1 class is awful.
What limits would you suggest on melee and magic user classes?

If a bow user can only attack for x amount of times and they are done unless they go back to town, there should be a similar restriction on your swords, shields, axes, reagents for spells, etcā€¦

Would you recommend that a sword could only be used 15 times and then must be replaced? A shield could only block 20 attacks and then must be replaced? A spell could only be cast 15 times and then the caster has to do whatever??

If youā€™re only going for limits on 1 class and not othersā€¦


Well, from the gameplays weā€™ve seen, the limits given to them were having cooldowns(which no one likes). So this arrow system would act similarly to cooldowns but instead of waiting for their skills to go off cooldown, they can still use the skills without the additional damage or effect the arrows provide while the arrows recharge. And this gives the class a unique feel like how the barb has the arsenal system.

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Well if it was possible to switch between different arrow items in fight
It would be cool, to fight as flexible as green arrow
Maybe you could also have a sub menue in the passive skills to connect arrowtypes to the active skills or a way to connect quicker items to the active skills

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It would in no way act similarly to cooldowns. Cooldowns are something that limit the number of actions per minute, but you can continue to fight no mater how long the fight lasts. The OP is basically saying, you can carry 30 arrows and after you use them up you canā€™t use your bow until you go back to town. By the time you do that the fight is over and the monster is dead (too bad you missed out on that sweet loot) or the monster has gone back to full health.

Absolutely stupid.

You want a ā€œrealisticā€ limit on bows? Then you should want a realistic limit on how many times you can hit with a sword, block with a shield, and how long your armor lasts. Reach the limit and the weapon/shield/armor becomes useless. Thatā€™s realistic. In a battle swords broke, shields broke, armor broke. The Romans actually made a javelin (the pilium) specifically designed that if it struck an enemies shield it would render the shield unusable forcing the enemy to discard the shield or fight at a massive disadvantage.

But of course having that kind of realism is ā€œtoo muchā€. Wellā€¦ its too much with limited supply of arrows too.

The world has magic and makes frequent use of it. Quivers with unlimited supply of arrows would be common place.


No he didnt
He said, the charges of those arrows recharge

Well, that could work. Some games have an affix to regenerate ammo over time or when switch weapons. It could be done also by using a different skills/arrows.

This could work with another idea of increase the resource consumption of skills if you spam them. In the same way, one could use other skills alternatively to regenerate arrows.

I would prefer if they stack more than have a CD and infinite potions like in D3. But i guess it depends on how they balance it.

It would be great if they could do something like that.

I play a game in which they use passives to switch between arrows, and it is a lot of fun to play like that, it gives a lot of combinations and tactics.

The problem of D4 is the limited skill bar. A solution could be to have a key to switch between skill bars, this would increase the number of skills we have equiped without increase the quick bar size.

I didnā€™t thought about that but is key to have something like that to make it work.

I reread the first post, again. And itā€™s exactly what was said. The thread Creator said,

When run out of them you can go and buy more or the switch weapons and fight. I think a ranged class should have this.

And looking at his other comments, heā€™s continued to say that over and over again.


Yea ok i was reffering to this guy

Hunter: End Game Dungeon LFP need arrow carrier -3

I didnā€™t gave a stack size in the original post, and when asked i said 1000 just as an example. But ofc it would depend on what the game needs. And i said that one ā€œcan spend them allā€, i didnā€™t said they would.

In any case, some people alredy gave great ideas of how to make it work in other ways, there is no need to keep going with that part of the suggestion.

No thanks. Not needed. Adds nothing.

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now it feels like, some butthurt members are creating fake accounts xD

Donā€™t know about that but disagreement its ok, and if helps to improve the ideas it is even better. But it would be nice if people also read the wonderful ideas other people posted.


This is my favorite class in Dragonā€™s Dogma. Range, then move to melee with daggers, then jump back, change to bow and shoot again. If the system is good, it can be very flexible.

The pace of gameplay in dragons dogma isnā€™t even near comparable to what we see in diablo games. In Diablo, the combat is basically player vs hundreds and sometimes thousands of monsters.

The idea of arrows being limited just doesnā€™t work well here, it got scrapped by many diablo-like and recently in diablo 3 (along with stamina). Also, if it will act like a resource, then ok, but it will just be exactly like we already have now in diablo 3, just something to use skills with another name.


D1 and D3 have unlimited arrows. D2 had arrows as an inventory item and it was a lousy feature. Some other game I used to play had bow strings that could repair a bow mid play. Bows should wear like other weapons and have to be repaired in town. Having to carry inventory to use a ranged skill is a terrible idea when magic skills only require the use of a resource.

D1, D2 and D3 all used different types of arrows but not as inventory. D1 and D3 use different types of arrows as part of a skill. D2 transformed ordinary arrows or bolts by using a skill.