[D3] Would you enjoy a power-restrictive theme?

Who cares about experience? We are talking about the difficulty in clearing rifts.
Those numbers you mentioned are arbitrary and are tied to the strength of your character, which in itself is decided by our overlords Blizzard and their tuning. 10 seasons ago those very same things you are describing still occured but at far lower GRs. The rifts haven’t changed mechanically between seasons (just some mob density/rift layouts). The difficulty hasn’t actually increased between seasons. Some were trying to argue this simply because we could clear higher numbers.

Hence the GR1 VS GR150 example. It was faulty because the GR1 doesn’t have the full affixes, but the main point still stands. Finishing a lower rift with subpar gear can be more impressive than clearing a higher rift with optimal gear.

How main point still stand if it was faulty to begin with?

They hit the ceiling of int64 number system after eating a cake.

Combat pace intensified.
There are limitations on crowd control so you can only use it when you really pushed your boundaries, again at GR140 elites will live much longer compared to their GR100 counterparts, given you can clear both of them to a degree of effectiveness.
Abusing crowd control won’t give you an easy win like previous patches anymore now that health of mobs hit its dusk.

The thing is, system is flawed on its own. However, the people who still play it will hate a power diminish while people who didn’t like the system just dropped it and ain’t gonna play anymore.

Ask the question of what would come out from only diminishing player power and not touching anything else? Slower paced combat just like a few years ago. Heavy randomization would glare even more and not even smart loot would save you from that.
In case you really want a restrictive theme, ask them to overhaul amass of different systems because game barely holds itself on its own at this state from constant number bloating and I don’t see them sparing time to D3 for it.

Get a room you two, and let this stupid thread die already.

Because the main point had nothing to do with the GR1 specifically. The main point was that he can perform better in a lower rift than someone does in a higher.

I don’t disagree. The system is flawed. Though a case could be made for trying to attract those players that left this flawed system but I guess that ship has sailed a long time ago.

Slowing down the progression is the goal I think, so that the gearhunt isn’t over so quickly. But yeah I agree with you, I’m not holding my breath for any system overhaul. Personally the only restriction I think they can reasonably implement at this point would be a paragon cap for a season, and I’d be happy with that.

There is a solution to your problem. Don’t click on the thread.

This is close. Hardcore GR1 wearing nothing but white items…

Oh, he doesn’t know how this works. Think of all those other players that miss this too. They are riding the hamster wheel blind. The illusion is serious.

This myth has been debunked long time ago:

The current GR cap is intended by design. Technical limitations have nothing to do with it (as long as we haven’t reached GR 446).

Some people in the thread have suggested you remove the dmg multipliers but keep the gear. That way no set item builds would be truly gone.
(also that would obviously not be possible for players to do currently through setting their own limitations)
Personally I would remove set items entirely, but the above would be a reasonable theme too.

While I haven’t played chess in many years, I’m sure I played way way more than 20 hours overall. I’d assume many millions of people across the world have. I don’t particularly like chess, but it is a good example because it is one of the most well designed games ever created, with literally eternal replayability.
Anyway, chess being a quick game to play hardly matters for its quality compared to Diablo. It might make it more accessible, but a game like Diablo can still be good and have long-lasting quality, even if it takes longer to play each time you start a new character. Just different ways to design games.

I completely agree there.
Seasons is what we have in D3 though, so it makes sense to base proposed changes (such as in this thread) on it.

People might return.

I understand why a Season if Nerf is not reasonable for Blizzard because they are obviously risk averse.
Maybe the best option would be two seasons at the same time. A normal boring one like S21 and the nerf season along with it. So current players could keep doing whatever it is they are doing.

That would be the best option of course. The whole reason to do it in a season is that it would only be temporary though, to allow for a drastic change that could still be reversed.
D3 is not going to receive any significant changes anymore. Crazy season themes is likely the most people can hope for.

Oh, I like this. It could definitely work (and serve for even more transparent bet).

The Season of Heaven and Hell together - jump to the one you enjoy more:

  • In Heaven there is order (people grouping by paragon/meta), high drop chances and unlimited power
  • In Hell there is chaos (meta is not so important), low drop chances and caps

Choose your domain, traveler!

Cue the complaints from Hell version players lamenting that they can’t find anyone else to play with by day 2 of the season…

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That will be in the other domain. There some guy called Meteorblade will give players $1s to stay in it lolz.

Here we go, you still like bets, right?

I bet you £1 (that’s roughly $1.21) that I can come up with a better scheme than the limited gear / paragon idea you’re supporting. Do you accept the bet?

Would be a choice.
Also, people could just switch over. Or play both.



  • The elements have deemed you worthy. With you as their champion, the burning hells will face the Trials of Tempests!
    • Your character will occasionally (every 2 minutes) channel an elemental power which unleashes into the environment for a limited time:
      • Meteors rain from the skies around you.
      • Breathe lightning.
      • A wall of flame engulfs everything.
      • Release twisters of pure energy.
      • Crush your foes under the weight of rolling snowballs.
  • Two unique new rewards, a portrait frame and a pet, will be granted to players who complete the Season 21 Journey.


The “season” in this thread.

You assumed that those who want that Hell season will even play Diablo 3. There are few posters in this forum doesn’t even play D3 anymore. They only come to sabotage those who are playing D3 by suggesting bad ideas in hoping that Blizzard will listen to them and drive D3 players away.

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How are we going to verify who wins the bet?

You are walking on a thin ice K. Take notes if you don’t want to make my troll list.

I don’t care about your troll list that you proud of.

Or maybe to improve the game so players can return.

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So trolls are people that reveal the truth to you in spite of your desire to ignore it?

That’s easy. We’ll take your troll list and see who likes which idea more.


Highest int64 number is about 20 digits long. He’s talking about 30+ digits long numbers just because system can reward you one time a grand 15-digit number on experience bonus?
I took a peek at the sourced picture in that imgur link, it’s a table for experience gain. That’s irrelevant to the damage output that goes through the server by RNG.
Where did he ended up with that conclusion? The experience bonus listed there still only have like… what? 12-15 digits? Where he got the idea of int64 system can handle 30 digits long damage numbers?

Let me quote the “source image” that they claim to regard in that imgur pic:

GR150 with pool total xp bonus: 1198.7 billion

that’s 5 digits followed by 8 zeroes. That’s still lower digits than int64 system can handle at once; in case you can do math and compare.
What are you trying to prove here? Just because you can hit billions times billions total xp stored somewhere you can have billions times billions health monsters and server can sustain your damage numbers indefinitely?
I have no idea where you followed the logical cue here…

There was a gold exploit on RMAH, it stemmed from RMAH being coded with int32 in mind while D3 coded with int64. Look it up. Digging the past sometimes help.
FPC or whatever that is (google result gives me a binary calculator, that’s only 1s and 0s), not the same with a numeric system embed into the game’s framework. I have no idea where you got it was debunked without researching. Please take a look at google at once and look up what’s the biggest int64 number and compare it with his… research…

Int64 is an immutable value type that represents signed integers with values that range from negative 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 (which is represented by the Int64 . MinValue constant) through positive 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (which is represented by the Int64 .
taken from docs.microsoft

Actually, here. Saved you the trouble. Max value only have about 19 digits. The values he talk about has 31 digits. To deal with such Rift Guardian under 2-5 mins of Greater Rift you sure need to dole out damage with 22 digit numbers near constantly.

May be that’s the case but still calculations take time and can stagger a traffic on large numbers and int64 values don’t really hold up with what he came up with. I think you’re holding up a troll conclusion as an evidence without even backing it up or fact checking yourself.
Please understand what it means once and help me if you really think those calculations are right.

My theme, that I think is better than yours, is to simply not implement yours.

Let’s see if that gets more or less likes than your idea did.

The only objective metric is the number of active players during a Season with ban waves.

But if you want to measure likes we already have a poll for the section you’ll get most likes at.

My Theme goes in 3 major sections/paths:

  1. Capped main stat
  2. Lowered drop chances
  3. No set items OR cut multipliers from sets (whatever options serves for more interesting build diversity)

We both know the majority of players don’t like the ultra fast gearing process and sky high set multipliers. You always lose in 2) and 3). So you’ll have to make up for these in 1). Don’t you agree?