D3 has only 59 viewers on twitch. How can we fix this?

I wonder what a D3 expansion would do to the LA numbers. RoS had 2.7m sales in the first week. It is sad that D3 is on life support as many of us wait for the D4 beta. Rhykker alone had over 3m YouTube views for his D4 gameplay at Blizzcon, destroying the current LA twitch numbers and that was over 2 years ago.

He never quits the forums tho. This is his best playground, he will always find someone to play whit(troll) here.

Don’t forget…

  • Less than a year ago, you posted that you were still in high school
  • A few months ago, you posted that you were 89 years old

As high school ends at age 18, in which of your 71 years of high school did you write this?


So, why did you abbreviate the Latin expression “et cetera” to “ect” rather than “etc”?


Because on the internet anyone, can say anything whit out proof. Bravata has proven one thing: Don’t beleve everything you see on the internet.


It’s hard to speak 8 languages and find

I watch build, guides, tips videos on Youtube. Wacthing someone play/stream D3 is not enjoyable imo.

That’s written as “high school” (two words) child. You’re getting your claims to fame mixed up because you’re losing track of all your lies. That’s what trips up crime suspects all the time and makes my joy of busting them so satisfying.

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Ahh, you nailed him to the wall!

Nice job…

How many viewers does hot tub streamers got? If a hot tub streamer started diablo there be plenty of viewers. Doesnt mean they interrested in diablo. The sad truth is. The more e-girls the more viewers. Lost ark is anime game where ppl do cosplay and such while playing. Not to mention the streamer event where ppl get rewards for watching streamers in Lost ark. Plenty of viewers arent watching cause of the game. Also competiton, tournaments, give-aways increase the numbers of viewers.

you’re basically saying d3 needs
the Druid
New zone content
Maybe Sub classes

ty for agreeing.

…that you’re quitting?



Your post must be at least 20 characters, have you tried the <3 button…

Well, when he constantly backs himself into a corner and gifts you the hammer and nails, ya’ kinda’ feel obligated.

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Eh said nothing of that. But I would say that u being dumb if u actually believe thats what i said.

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MB, there is a possibility that what he claims is true…

He could be 89 and still in highschool! That would explain A LOT, it fails to explain the visit to grandma… Unless a weird Psycho (the movie) scenario plays out.

59 is still a lot for that quality of a game

Oh look 281 viewers right now.

It looks to me like the LA views on twitch are going down bigtime in just 2 weeks.

From 1.1m at launch to 161k right now. Bring on D4, let’s do it already.

Well D2R dropped by 97% in 6weeks

Classic trajectory

Nothing to do in D2.