Is there really no way we can get the Druid?
New zone content?
Maybe Sub classes?
A new season will boost it, but that’s still a couple months away at best.
Really, it’s just that the game is old. You could add in 20 new acts, 15 new playable characters, thousands of new items, and change how the game plays, and because it’s still “Diablo 3”, people will still associate it with the older variant. And that’s partially why you get many games which feel like nothing more than expansion packs, but have that +1 added to their title. People generally like shiny new things.
Perhaps it’s because people are more interested in hot tubs…
Or more interested in faux quitting.
Finally quit and the people will come back. Their tired of your BS.
The easiest fix is to stop thinking Twitch matters in any real way.
Why do you care? You quit, remember?
Can’t really fix this. Diablo 3 is by far one of the least interesting games to watch.
Watching someone run rifts over and over again isn’t most people’s idea of entertainment.
We could start by banning people on here for making troll posts.
If you cannot comprehend them making Diablo 4 = no content for Diablo 3, well, you might need to rethink it.
2am EST and late into a season. How much more disingenuous can you be?
Oh, please don’t give him challenges like this.
He’ll find a way.
game is boring wht u want to fix
maybe if d3 twitch tv showed something like a lost ark it would hit 100k to 1m+ viewers…
Maybe if Blizzard bribed people into watching the game on twitch, through twitch gifts or whatever they are called, they would have more viewers.
And it would remain just as useless a measure as it was already.
It’s as useless as masureing with how many views a youtube video got XD
I totally agree. I was doing the exact gameplay that Lost Ark is offering 11 years ago in Rift – questing, interacting with a ton of NPCs, pvp, decorating my own hideout, raiding. It’s 11-year-old content. But, people are apesh*t over it because it’s new.
I mean did you think it was cool when you did thise things in Rift back in 2011? Because those were already 14 years old and available in UO in 1997. Or hell, they were available in D&D back in 1974. So I guess no one should be allowed to be excited about any new game that has quests, NPC interactions, player housing, PvP, or raiding ever again since that content has existed for almost 50 years on paper, and 25 in video games.
in my day, dice werent invented and if we wanted to roll, we rolled ROCKS and bones and we liked it. Of course we had to go 5 miles up hill in a snow storm to get the rocks and find some numbskull to smash with the rocks to get the bones to roll… yeah, thats the ticket
twitch? is that anything like myspace? lol
I still can’t believe people sit around watching other people play videogames.