I have not played Diablo 3 in a couple of seasons, but I have kept it updated. I clicked the D3 icon in the Battle Net launcher, and then the Play button. It switched to Launching for a moment, and then back to Play. This repeated several times.
Under the Play button in the launcher it reads:
Region: Americas | Version:
I can launch D2 and D4 without issue.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled D3. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the launcher. I have verified security/firewall settings.
I have updated video drivers
I have rebooted after each reinstall.
I also tried right-clicking the executable directly from the Diablo III folder, and running as Administrator.
In a nutshell, I have already tried all the standard fixes recommended to troubleshoot.
This is specific to D3. Not my computer, my internet connectivity, my operating system, my video drivers, etc.
If that were the case, it would be happening to everyone, or at least a lot of people. Without knowing the cause, you really can’t unilaterally claim what the cause is.
Situations like you are describing are commonly caused by security/permissions conflicts on the system. Even things as simple (and official) as OS updates can corrupt security and permission settings, not to mention updates to any other software on the system. You mention not playing for a while, so there could be a host things that changed your system environment.
Thank you for your reply. I apologize if the tome of my post seemed aggressive in any way. Perhaps my frustration was too high and I should have waited before posting.
When I said this was specific to D3, I meant the standard suggestions would affect too many other applications/games on my system to be reasonable.
I play many games that perform fine with the highest video optimization.
I play many games that require a lot of bandwidth and good latency.
I play many games that are CPU intensive and have a huge memory footprint.
I play many games that require private/public security settings or port allowances.
D2 and D4 both play fine and launch from the same launcher. D4, I would think, has the greater demand for video, bandwidth, things like that than D3, but I could be wrong. Both have the same settings in my Firewall/Security as D3.
I use these two games as examples of why I think it has nothing to do with the launcher itself.
Sure there ‘could’ be a host of things that have changed in my system since the last time I played, but the only thing affected is D3. So, when troubleshooting suggestions ask me to check things that would affect multiple applications, I have to just shake my head.
I am sure you meant well in pointing out the obvious though.
Trying to blow away all evidence of the game and performing a fresh install. I did this once, but I may as well try it again.
Try to delete D3Prefs.txt from (or just rename it to D3Prefs.txt.old, or something so you have a copy around):
\Documents\Diablo III\
folder. It should recreate a new one when you restart. There might be a setting inside that is conflicting with your current state of HW/SW installed on your system.
I always like this one. It isn’t the game it is something else!!!
I have problems with the launcher every day. If I leave the computer go into sleep mode. The launcher doesn’t launch the game. It will just sit there trying to connect. I thought that it was just my computer. But I have almost the same thing on my laptop. The only work around is I have to close the launcher. Not let it run in the back ground.
I know you not going to like this one. But I would uninstall everything even the launcher too. I mean everything even D2 & D4. Yes you have uninstall D3, but there is always something left behind. Because of the other two games & the launcher.
Please try to be contributory with your drivel, Davey. Or at the very least, quote others in context.
Despite being completely unrelated to the thread’s topic, this is actually a situation where your ‘contributions’ would be relevant. Something is wrong with the launcher as it effects those who use the Sleep mode on their systems.
Let see here he is having a problem with launching the game Right??? I have been using the launcher for over 12yrs this didn’t start to happen till this year. With the sleep mode thing.
But wait it has something to with my computer . When it clearly does it on 2 of my computers.
My computer has been going into sleep mode for years. But now it has something to do with the sleep mode.
The thing is he is able to run D2 & D4 with the same launcher. But D3 doesn’t run. That is why I said basically start from new. It seams that the launcher is not see the game in a way. But it knows the game is there. Because it isn’t asking to install or need to find the location of the game.
So if it is any of these than why does everything else run through that launcher???
Are you saying that you’re ‘seeing’ that not being able to launch a game, and the log in issues caused by a computer going to sleep are the same topic? Come on.
But wait, at no point did I say the sleep/login issue was your computer. In fact, I said quite the opposite. The issue here appears to be more that you don’t read before speaking. As if your intentionally cementing yourself in uninformed conclusions. Again, come on.
Something is likely blocking the executable or a function inside it, Davey. That’s one of the features of any security system. Again, and for the last time, if it was exclusively D3…
…but it’s not, so that points somewhere else.
There is no use continuing this if you simply refuse to read and/or understand something that runs counter to your aurguments.