
In all my time playing D2 over the years I’ve put alot of time in D2. My question is the drop rate on high runes. Ether iv been very unlucky not getting any or just not playing 10 hours a week doesn’t cut it in all the time playing.
Is it right that ladder will be 3 month. And if so is this realistic time to even both playing ladder to have it reset and not get anything from it worth wild. I’m not saying drop high runes like every other week at this rate. but if in 20 years playing on and off never got a high rune drop. and there’s only a 3 month window for high runes what’s the point. Will it only be the 50/60hour a week players ever get high runes. I no its a grinding game but the drop rates are really low like low low. It would be nice to get at least 1 high rune per ladder but I’ve had none in all my time playing.

10hs a week is nothing when the average (not the grinders) player will put in 3 to 6 hours per day on the first month-ish of the ladder.

Also rune drops were increased in LoD 1.13c patch, farming on high density areas like The Pit, The Cow Level and Chaos Sanctuary is a great source of high runes. I’d say you easily get 1 HR (Ohm+) worth of just pickable runes (Lem+) for around every 10 hours you put into farming effectively.

If you couple that with trading the bases, magic, rares, uniques and charms you get its relatively easy to get wealthy in the game as long as you put around 20 hours a week (3hs/day average) into the game.

But all that depends on knowing what class/build to use, where to farm, how to farm, what items to pick up to identify, which mods are useful so you know what to keep, and the relative value of each item to be able to trade effectively.

I’ve played D2LOD off and on since launch as well. All offline single player, no plugy but I do use GoMule for a grail via stashes and the Flavie report. For high runes I have found exactly 1 ohm and 1 lo, and nothing higher… So nope not unlucky, just really really low drop chances for high runes. To farm them you go to specific areas with builds built for that, and thousands of runs a year, sooner or later you will find one. I am not patient enough for that. So I have not done a ton of runs in the best areas to farm high runes.