D2R Requires a Trade Forum

Make this happen Blizzard! It would not take much resource to create a D2R forum and sub-section dedicated for trading.
The current Bnet alternative of creating games or a trade channel is not efficient and will continue to drive players to third party sites to complete trades.
We dont need anything fancy, just means to post FS, LF, FT posts and ability to upload the pieces of gear we have ,stats, and what you are looking for in return.
Then allow Private messaging to complete the trades on Battle.net.

If you choose to add a Blizzcoin currency, great, but its not necessary at this time, a forum trading post, is.


It has one, it’s called d2jsp.


Lots off players will continue to use this unless Blizz wakes up and creates an official alternative.

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I will not, so you are just a proven liar.

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Fine, stickler… Ill adjust, but “WE” in this context, means him and I and the 1000’s on JSP.

I was just funny about it :rofl: :+1:

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All good! You are right though, I know not everyone uses JSP, but many use other means, or some, yourself? actually will use the game method for every, single, trade…

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Those heavily involved in JSP will never leave JSP, even with a compelling
(but fresh start) alternative or the addition of an in-game trading post.

That ship sailed a long time ago.

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i think many don’t want to be affiliated with that “thing” though. For good reasons, it’s one of the worst thing that happened in the D2 economy and was a den for bot users, so many want to stay away from it.
Especially since there is discord communities nowaday.

i won’t be trading this time around (100% self loot) , but if i remember correctly , there was one trade forum for diablo 3 when it was still possible to trade , so it’s highly probable it will be the case for D2R too on the official forum.


I dont know… I would wager a good chunk would use a Blizzard alternative, if offered. I know I would.
The cheaters who have oodles of FG of course, wont, at best they will use both.

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I would. A trading site similar to the one of path of exile would definately make me swap. I like JSP, but i don’t like that you can use funds from previous ladders and transfer dem over, or use real money to buy currency.

I believe if a proper alternative is introduced, enough people would leave jsp for that solution, and jsp would become to inefficient because not enough people use it to keep trade flowing.


I quickly put together a consept based on the PoE style of trading, however, it is my first time making anything in photoshop, so it is what it is.

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blizz stop letting other companies run all over yall… blizz do you need someone with some stones to manage over there? why u lettin them chumps take yalls money… make a d2r official trade site… that way botters and people who have spent time getting fg it would all be useless


it has a trading forum, its called d2jsp its as old as the game itself and widely popular. why would i need a new one and why would i want to go there?


and the compelling argument for them would be that now they cant transfer their wealth anymore? the flaw in your logic is that not jsp users are annoyed that they can transfer their wealth, its the people not taking part in that trading community in the first place that are.

so this does obviously very little/nothing to wealth transfer

It is literally impossible for Blizzard to create alternative unless they get rid of the ladder altogether.

I am a jsp user, and i am annoyed. I know alot of them, specially those who are more wealthy aren’t, but if enough people leaves their service there wouldn’t be enough items listed/trades going through for the forum to flow. Leaving only the wealthiest of jsp users alone to trade with eachother, how would that work out? One item listed every few hours, or days, instead of how it is currently at a fresh ladder, where several items are listed every minute?

How so? A trading site where you only trade in-game items is just that, a solution. As long as you use somekind of off game currency, it will probably be impossible, yes. But if you can only trade ladder items vs ladder items, how would that not be a viable alternative? There is a section for PoE on jsp aswell, yet, the official trading forum is faar more dominant.


again, expecting a mass exodus of jsp to be disadvantaged on another platform is a logical flaw and if you cant see that i cant help you.

“i am a jsp user” and “i know a lot of people” sadly constitutes no fact.

The only fact here is: if jsp users leave to the blizzard option you described, they lose their ability to transfer wealth.

also, i dont know you and neither your “friends on jsp” but tere are pretty tight knit communities over there, some existing for well over 10 years. You think the proposal to make them off worse on a blizzard regulated platform will convince them to give that up?

dont be delusional.

Im not even against blizzard creating that website. Im just 100% convinced what you think would happen wont happen.

You’re not reading my posts correctly. I agree with you, i don’t think the most invested people, who have used bots to gain hundreds of thousands of fg, or more will want a more legit solution. But the vast majority of jsp users aren’t that wealthy, and would probably love a more convenient trading system, using in-game items as currency, and being able to trade more fluently without dropping items on the floor hoping that the other peer will transfer you fg.

The point is, if there is a better solution, that is more popular, the other solution will be less viable. It doesn’t matter if the rich jsp users want it or not, they will be forced to, or else they wouldn’t have anyone to trade with. I doubt that with 100 active people on jsp they would be able to efficiently find the items they need on demand or sell the items they find on demand.

Jsp will never completely vanish, but like many other games jsp has a trading section for, it will be faar less viable and common to use.

you cant be serious. A currency is literally ->the<- most important thing that elevates jsp over trading with ingame items. Trading with ingame items is so horribly inefficient its the very reason something like jsp was able to become so succesful.

im sorry but your grasp on why people use jsp is ridiculous.

but what is that better solution? as i explained, so far the only thing you proposed was a trading platform with the following negatives compared to jsp:

  • huge loss in efficiency due to no currency
  • wealth not transferable between seasons and other games
    → this is obviously a negative for jsp users. its only a positive for non jsp users
  • giving up 20 years of D2 trading history and community on jsp
  • loss of trade mediation and resolving scams


  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
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