D2R Reality Check: Why This Remaster Is Being Made

Both Blizzard and VV were ATVI teams. They can decide that one merge into the other in whatever way they want. VV does not exist as a separate entity anymore.
But no, Blizzard of course absorbed VV. They ae the big ones, and have the brand name. Just saying that in terms of leadership, all the turmoil at Blizzard might result in VV effectively taking over. And honestly, that might be a very good thing.

Yeah, that was my point too I guess :stuck_out_tongue:

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I will state for the record that we must not forget the fact that D2R’s public announcement earlier in the year generated a larger following than Blizzard has seen since the early days of World of Warcraft. They mentioned it somewhere, I don’t recall where but yeah.

So I don’t entirely think D2R will be pushed aside after launch, much less abandoned, purely because they know there’s a demand for this title.

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This is a prime example of someone who has managed to convince themselves of something. What is this all consuming, innate desire to simply change something because ‘reasons’.


D2:R is a great strategy to drum up interest in the franchise to prime the future sales of Diablo 4. Get the old players back into the game. With this pandemic and a lot of people working from home, they have more free time on their hands to play.

I have a friend who had to make a 3 hour daily commute for work… Now he works at home and has more free time to play games. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I read this in Mr Torgue’s voice.



I don’t know who Mr Torgue is but he sounds like a man after my own heart.

Only the best character in the Borderlands series.

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One of the best characters in the borderlands series. Big beefy dude who loves weightlifting, screaming all his character lines and EXPLOSIONS!

“Borderlands 2 - THE BEST OF MR. TORGUE - YouTube”

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They still are Activision teams. Just because, VV joined Blizzard, does not mean Activision doesn’t get involved. Just look into the articles about Warcaft III reforged. Yes this was before VV merged with Blizzard, but that again was before the lawsuit. VV merging with Blizzard doesn’t absolve them from being still told what to do from suits at Activision or Bobby K himself.

The reason I wrote “were” is that VV doesnt exist anymore, so it cant really be an ATVI team :stuck_out_tongue:
Nowhere did I say ATVI was somehow less in control after the merge. Heck, it is fairly clear they are more in control than ever.

I am sorry, but I have to agree to disagree on this one. Yes VV did merge with Blizzard but that doesn’t mean they “are” Blizzard. Ask yourself this question, Why would Activision have one of there own dev teams, be pulled by Blizzard when Activision was already telling Blizzard what they could do development wise? Not only that, but Blizzard makes less money overall in earnings than Activision and or the devs behind Candy Crush.

Plus come on, why would Blizzard take a dev team that was originally an Activision dev and merge them with there own dev teams? Why not Blizzard just hire new blood entirely that were not affiliated with Activision?

It doesn’t make any sense. If VV is Blizzard, then why the need to cancel the Classic Blizzard dev team?

All the reasons the OP stated and cash grab.

After the initial sales at launch, how many more D2 resurrected Blizzard/Act. think they will sale? And those this numbers of potential sales a enough to warrant spending more money to add changes and new contents to the game?

While they will have a brand new D4 to sell us in a not so distant future?

I don’t know how much it cost them to make this remaster but I’m pretty sure that is much less then the money they will make upon release. Why spend more money after that if it barely get you more sales? :thinking:

They are though.

  1. Much better to get an entire team that are used to work together
  2. A team that was already working with them on a project; D2R.

Seems likely some of VV will make up a new classic team. Hard to say. But from what we know, the Classic team died because of WC3R.

While games are front loaded, you can still expect a fair amount of sales afterward.
And news about patches etc. just keeps the games in the news cycle.

Depends what you mean by not distant.

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Beyond some hotfixes and maybe ladder resets (if we ever actually get ladder seasons) probably not.

If they were planning on fully remaking the game and adding new content it would have been $60 instead of $40 for the base game I’m sure. There are no in game purchases so once the initial wave of sales dries up so will the majority of revenue generated by this game.

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Not from me!! I blocked my ability to spend money in phone games a long time ago and I have no idea what password I used Bahaha

People have been begging for a Diablo 2 remake with higher resolution graphics ever since 1024x768 resolution monitors became mainstream.

Blizzard FINALLY obliged.

It may ultimately just be a “Tweener” game, but with any luck, they’ll adopt some of Diablo 2’s core tenents to Diablo 4 or future Diablo games, since a more “hardcore” ARPG is what people really wanted all along.

Yeah this was kinda my point with this post. I think we’re more likely to see the changes people are asking for in future games than this one. Simply because there will probably be a very small team and small budget for maintaining these classic remaster games.

Anyone checked on WC3 lately? Ladder started on there yet? It’s been over a year and a half last time I checked…

Wait, wait… Is this implying that VV were working with Blizzard before the merger? while the Classic Blizzard Team was developing Warcraft III Reforge?

Yes I know. They were all canned following the panned release of Warcraft III Reforge. But why fire the team? When VV was going to merge with Blizzard anyway? Why not just put the now blizzard devs from former VV and integrate them with the Classic Game Blizzard team?

VV has been working with Blizzard, for presumably a few years, making D2R.
It might have overlapped a bit with the WC3R team.

VV is way too large to become the Classic team, based on the little information we have, it sounds like most of them will work on D4. I bet some will work on other Blizzard projects too, but I dont think that has been confirmed.

I dont think we know that the classic team was fired? The team was just dissolved. I assume most of them are at other teams now.
I mean, D3 is still getting patches. Likely from the same people who patched it in the classic team, now just called the Diablo team.

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yes so many many threads… and never any of substance even worth reading. People either complaining, complaining about complainers or pretending to have insider knowledge of what a billion dollar company does and doesn’t want or plans to do. :roll_eyes:

I wish we saw more theorycrafting threads or at least something remotely positive ffs. The sh*t posting here is starting to make twitter look inviting.

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