D2R Cross Progession question

Since I can’t post in the D2R forum unless I buy it first, I’ll ask here. Kind of dumb, since my question kind of has to do with whether or not I need the PC version.

I was curious, since I would rather buy D2R on my Xbox Series X and play with all my friends on that, do I HAVE to buy it for PC ALSO, in order to get my classic save file transferred over to my console? I currently play it on my laptop, which is very capable of the D2 LoD 2000’s version of the game, but I doubt it will play the D2R version. It’s no gaming laptop, and I prefer console gaming anyways. I have problems playing on PC/laptop. Personal issue.

If that is the case, where my classic save is only able to transfer to console if I get the game twice, one for my laptop, and the other for my Xbox, then what if I switch the game to the classic graphics on my laptop? It should run fine on my laptop then, right? I am certain, even with the graphic change, that my little laptop can’t take it. Lol.

I just want to be able to use my characters I already made, but on my Xbox on day one when it releases. It would be a bummer if I had to buy both versions to do so. =/

P.S. I’m typing this in bed on my phone. Gotta wake up in a few hours. So I’ll probably see this in the morning. Lol

You can’t transfer save files from PC to console at all. The only “import” of files is for OFFLINE single player on PC to PC.

Cross progression is for the ONLINE game so that you can play on PC then play on your console and pick up where you left off. Also note, there is no cross play - you can’t play at the same time with someone on a diff platform.

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