D2R Copies Sold

Not counting the expansion, 12 million on PC vs 30 million across all platforms is an 18 million difference. Now, some of those numbers might be mixed due to complete packages that had both, but still a pretty big difference.

Yea, I would agree with a big difference but again, according to the numbers on Wiki, it’s 20 million just on PC, while the 30 million I’ve seen from other sources is for all platforms.

So unless I’m missing something, I’m seeing 20 million PC sales vs 30 million (mix of PC and consoles).


Before its release, Diablo III broke several presale records and became the most pre-ordered PC game to date on Amazon.[122] Activision Blizzard reported that Diablo III had broken the one-day PC sales records, accumulating over 3.5 million sales in the first 24 hours after release and over 6.3 million sales in its first week, including the 1.2 million people who obtained Diablo III through the World of Warcraft annual pass.[123] On its first day, the game amassed 4.7 million players worldwide, an estimate which includes those who obtained the game via the World of Warcraft annual pass.[123] In its 2012 second quarter report, Diablo III was reported to have pushed Activision Blizzard’s expectations and as of July 2012, more than 10 million people had played the game.[124] Diablo III remains the fastest selling PC game to date, and also one of the best-selling PC video games. As of the end of 2012, it had sold more than 12 million copies,[125] and as of March 2013, Blizzard stated that Diablo III had around 1 million daily players, with 3 million unique players each month.[126] By May 2013, Diablo III had been played by 14.5 million unique players.[127] and had sold over 30 million copies worldwide by August 2015. It’s unclear if the sales numbers apply just for the stand-alone game, or if they also include copies of the expansion Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls, which launched in March 2014.[128]

Considering the cross progression and world with covid and post-covid. In that scenario about 30% who would buy on pc would buy on a console also. Combined maybe consoles could pass PC sales because of that kind of perk. So my bare minimum estimate would be 10m on first year being about 5m on pc alone.

There’s much hype around Diablo franchise itself with D3, D2R, DI, D4. There’s diablo experience near almost every public on the way, having that most of folks would experience each kind of diablo experience and decide by themselves.

Tbh, not sure about active playerbase but sales will be easily 10M. If they eventually put cross-play also that would mean even more folks buying on other plataforms.

About wikipedia the data was from 2014:

[“Diablo 3 tops PC charts with 20 million copies sold”] URLhttps://www.polygon.com/2014/8/5/5972671/diablo-3-activision-blizzard-pc-sales. [Activision Blizzard]. Retrieved August 5, 2014.

Lots of conflicting numbers, and with an ever increasing amount of digital only purchases, harder to track, especially through third party sources.

Regardless of the accuracy of the numbers. I wouldn’t be surprised that in today’s age, more sales are generated through consoles. Hasn’t it been a saying for years that PC gaming is dying?


I’ve heard the opposite really, that console gaming was dying out. Steam is a pretty big competitive gaming force in the PC world, but mobile gaming has been what has picked up the most steam I think. Most people I hung out with in the last few years, barely even play on consoles anymore, mostly phone/tablet and steam games. Pandemic has changed that market again I think to focus back to consoles.

That is not right. That figure was Aug 2015. There are no updated stats.

Also false. That was the first year sales for D3. 2012-2013.

In the first week RoS sold 2.7 million copies. They did not ever give more sales figures after that.

Your numbers are mixed up.

I may have read the numbers on the side wrong, or VGchartz was wrong/didn’t have accurate digital sales.

I seen where I made the mistake, I looked at last update column. Oops. haha

Exactly And console D3 was a Big Hit even tho, D2 Ppl complain the game sucks This is gonna Bring a Whole new Wave of Players to D2r that’ll Love it More then D3 with More rewarding Feels after Epic drops.

I used to be a big time console player in the 90’s/early 2000’s. Once I got my first PC in early 2000’s I pretty much gave up console gaming for PC gaming. Also, regarding sales on a lot of games some people had bought more than one of the game. So, 4 million Diablo 2 sales, but a lot of the sales were bought multiple times from the same person. I’ve bought more than several D2’s over the years from giving a few to my sisters, and then having several extras of my own through the years. Also, as far as D3 sales if you notice they sold a lot during the time of the RMAH(June 15, 2012 to March 18, 2014).

Just hold still for minute I have a long distances HUG for YOU

Yeah, I wouldn’t ignore a GPU effect where people can’t buy games because they can’t get a gpu

You can get GTX 1650 Super right now for reasonable price, at the time it was the only one I could get, as I was building a rig earlier this year smackbang in the middle of the GPU draught, but this GTX 1650 Super even runs extremely taxing games like Mortal Online II on medium settings with no issues.

Any idea why not? Just spent a bit scouring the web for updates stats - you’d think Activision-Blizzard might want to push high D3 sales numbers to boost confidence that D4 will sell super well too…

what would you call a reasonable price?

Less than I paid for it that’s for sure.

11 million in 2010? damn i didn’t think it was still that popular that long after release. Starcraft couldn’t of had the majority of those numbers, right?

No, the vast majority of the “give us ploot” demanders are not veterans, they are D3 kids crying in the forums. Maybe you, MicroRNA, blash and a few others i see on every thread, sure. But majority? the majority are definitely D3 kiddies. lol

d3 just sold so many copies because of d2. The real question is how many copies will they sell with d4. Judging by their decisions and the design, its gonna be a game similar to d3 and sales won’t be nearly as high. They are going the wrong direction with trading, design and it appears it will have a lot of mmo elements , which i don’t like at all.

For D2R, well. A lot of old guys like me will buy it. I would guess, they will sell at least 10 million copies. Hopefully they fix all the bugs and flaws from the beta, because the beta was very bad, especially the gfx optimization and the lobby.

the majority of the people playing were likely sc players from Korea this was just before the release of sc2 and korea goes hard for sc and sc2.

users just indicated accounts accessing battle.net the bots in diablo far outnumbered the players even in 2010.

also this number was from an analyst at Signal Hill Capital Group and not from anything official.