D2R Change Poll results ordered by popularity

in theory yes, that would work.

but it still donest stop the fact that anyone playing on that realm would not be experiencing “diablo 2”
and it would be a colossal waste of time and resources.

but yeah in theory that would sandbox about 95% of the issues it causes. on the other realm.

Look up “Ship of Theseus” and “True Scotsman”

Also, what is the “real” D2 experience? Is it 1.09 or 1.14? Some would argue that we are not playing the real “diablo 2” at all in D2R.

Sure they would, in the same vein that people who only played Dota were still experiencing Warcraft3. People who only play modded D2 are still experiencing Diablo2. People who only play SSF are still experiencing D2. People who only play classic are still experiencing D2.

You don’t get to gatekeep what an “authentic D2 experience” is. In my opinion, the best patch for LoD was 1.09, and I feel that people who didn’t play this patch on realms missed out on a really great part of the experience, but that’s not to say people who started in 1.13 aren’t “experiencing D2”

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both of those are real d2 experiences.

because they both happened in the past. in diablo 2.

d2:R is supposed to make ZERO balance changes… ONLY quality of life

you are asking for the biggest balance change imaginable. something that was never in diablo 2 and has never been considered in diablo 2. so yeah its prety safe to say that thats “not” diablo 2

Modded D2 exists in the past. Are these not real D2 experiences? Some mods include higher resolution graphics. These did not exist in the original D2, so should 4K graphics not be an option in D2R?

No. Total drops are the same in personal loot and FFA only loot games. If I said increase the drop rate 100X, forbid trading, or change the skill tree that would be much more significant. The loot drop system is QoL.

The suggestion is not to replace FFA with personal loot. You may think that personal loot is not an authentic game experience. The fact remains that of respondents (>4000 D2 players if accurately reported) in the reddit survey 49% wanted personal loot options, 39% FFA only, 12% undedcided.

ok i concede the point that your idea’s on how to horrifically break stuff far exceeds my own imagination.

The suggestion is not to replace FFA with personal loot. You may think that personal loot is not an authentic game experience. Nevertheless, it appears to be quite popular among D2 players.

The fact remains that of respondents (>4000 D2 players if accurately reported) in the reddit survey 49% wanted personal loot options, 39% FFA only, 12% undecided.

To many players, having FFA loot or personal loot is a simple, small, reasonable, QoL change.

I do understand that in your opinion it’s one of your biggest loves of the game, and really important, but it’s not the same for everyone.

Some people find shared stash to be a lot more than just QoL, and changes their gameplay significantly.

Some people feel stacking runes and gems is a terrible idea, and for some it’s simply a QoL adjustment.

We all need to come to terms with the fact that people played D2 differently, and things that are important to some players are completely irrelevant to others.

Some people love inventory Tetris, and some people find it tedious.

Some people want to be able to manually refresh vendors.

These all can be argued to be QoL, or core changes, depending on perspective.
None of these can be considered “wrong”, it’s a difference of opinion.

For me, I think changing the drop rates on runes and uniques would be changing core gameplay, but for some people they would find it to be “Quality of life” based on the shortened ladder length.

Even shortening the ladder length could be considered a “core change”, or moving Ladder-only runewords to non-ladder.

I would argue some of these changes are much more game-changing than a personal loot option.

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This. One thing that’s not clear from the poll is how MUCH people care about these things. It’s true that if asked whether people prefer to always be able to open the Cow portal, most answered yes. Sure, why not? But how much do players care? Would it change their decision to buy? We don’t really know that from this. Also I’d use a grain of salt with this and any internet poll as they are almost never representative in a statistical sense, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t useful data here.

The most heavily debated question in this venue is, of course, personal loot. I’ve been following the discussion and in my opinion there are flaws in the arguments on both sides. But that’s partially because I don’t really grant the premise that FFA loot is the key pillar of D2’s success or longevity. Conversely, I don’t believe that implementing personal loot would grant a meaningful improvement in D2R’s viability. It’s either fun to play or it’s not, and the loot system is only a fraction of the experience. Feels to me a lot like the debate over kneeling during the national anthem. A lot of vociferousness on both sides but in reality an issue that has little to no meaningful impact.

The Blizzard survey gets more into this.

That is why the suggestion is to have both as options. It is not about replacing FFA with personal loot.

I’m aware of your position. You’ve repeated it ad nauseum, as have most posters repeated theirs. As I said, I’ve been following the discussion in several threads. The same arguments are being rehashed in all of them.

My assertion is this: whether they keep it as FFA, move it to 100% personal, or implement some hybrid or choice, it will have very little overall impact on the viability of D2R. D2 persists to this day because it’s a fun game, arguably the pinnacle of the genre. But it’s not because of FFA loot. If it was boring no one would still be playing it regardless of the loot system.

Therefore, I argue that D2R will be subject to the same response. People will play it if it’s fun. They won’t if it’s not. The loot system will have very little impact on that. The rest of this discussion, while perhaps fun for you and others, is strictly academic.

D2R is a viable game. The question to me is do we make D2R more inclusive and customizable by creating more options in general or should it just be what is already announced. It seems like Blizzard/VV is still trying to figure out this one and where the line should be drawn.