D2R Beta Feedback (PS5)

First of all sorry for posting this in the wrong section, but since I have access to the closed beta on my Playstation, I can’t post anything in the designated D2R forum. My BattleNet and PSN accounts are linked but still no option for me to share my feedback after playing the game.

You also don’t make it easy for console players to share their feedback since there is no bug report or survey about the game aviable on consoles.

Ok so let’s start…

I mainly played the Paladin but also tried every other class that is aviable in the beta.

Paladin feedback:

  • When you have selected to display HP numbers next to the health globe and you as a paladin have an aura active, the text and aura symbol are overlaping each othe.

  • When you use L2 + X to quickly open town portal, you loose your aura and have to activete it again.

  • There is only one active aura displaying and I found it weird that you can’t show more then one, for example when yoy have your merc who is giving you different kind of aura.

Sorceress feedback:

  • It would be really awesome if you can see frost armor (or any type of magic armor) timer. The animation for frost armor is very delicate so it’s sometimes hard to spot when the timer runes out and you have to recast the armor.

General feedback:

  • I play on PS5 and 55’’ QLED TV and I noticed there is a lot of motion blur around the character when you move. The background becomes very blurry and there is no option to adjust that. I hope the full version will have some options to adress this issue cause it makes me and a lot of people motion sick.

  • Speaking of playing the game on TV: The game dosn’t auto switch the “game mode” on modern TV’s. I have an option for game mode switchet to auto detect so the mode is automaticlly switched on when I start my PS5 and play a game.
    When I start D2R the game mode switches off and I have to maually put it back on. Without it the game is really dark and blurry.

  • Monsters HP bars: I found it annoying that on consoles the name and HP bar of mobs is displayed above the characters. On PC verion it is showing at the top of the screen so it does’t block players vision. When I am attacked by 15 monsters I actually wat to see them all and not a bunch of HP bars running twards me.
    It would be awesome if the console version have the option to set HP bars just like in the PC version.

  • The same goes about displaying names of dropped items. I tried every item option that is in the game, but everytime a monster drops something, the name of the item is displayed on the screen.
    I would much rather to not see it imidietally after the drop, but when I toggle the right button for that. It’s getting really messy while fighting a lot of monsters with their HP bars and item names on the ground.

  • Charecter zoom on consoles is non-existance… This is weird since I would also like to zoom in on my character’s new armor and look at the new graphics. Don’t know why only PC players can use this option.
    When you play on controller the right stick is only used to click and switch the weapons. Maybe you can use it to give us the zoom option?

  • You’ve probably heard this a million times now, but it must be said: consol players need full online lobby support and not this simplyfy choise, either you play private or select random games that are assosiated to the quest in game.

  • No text chat on consoles: Why do we only have the option to choose from preset actions while playing with other players?
    Is no text chat on consoles mean we won’t be able to use “players X” command while playing offline?
    I hope you can fix this before the full release.

  • Character clipping throught none-interactive creatures in the world.
    In act 1 you can find a barn with living cow in it. The cow model is not solid and my character can actually clip through it, which is really weird. (I have a screenshoot of it but don’t know how to put it here on forums).

  • Barely visible entrance in act 2 minimap: Act 2 minimap is in this weird red/pink colors and I found it really hard to spot an entranse to lvl 2 of claw viper temple. It was just a little pink dot on the map which I passed a few times. I wish the entrance shown on minimap could be a bit more visable. (again I have a screenshot of this issue)

  • Potions managment: There really need to be some option to quickly transfer potions from inventory to belt. Right now you have to manually drag every flask to it’s designated place which is really annoying and time consuming.
    I found it really hard to play characters that relly heavily on using mana potions, since every fev minutes I had to stop and manage my potions so I can keep casting spells. During my sorceress playtime I probably killed more mobs witch weapon hits then spells because of that.
    When you run out of potions from your belt and have for example rejuv potion in you rinventory, it will show on the belt to use directly from inventory. Maybe use this mechanics to also allow us to use mana potions from inventory if they were previously allocated on the belt?

That’s all the feedback I have for you and I hope it will help to make the game better since right now it really fells like the console verion is really handicapped compared to the PC version.


Lobby is the biggest problem here, i hope they will fix this. The other problem for is that the Red HP Color on Bars is too dark and hard to notice how much HP monster have. I dont know why menus are so big, why do they take all screen. They shoud remove black lines and maby soom it out a little bit. Having Inventory on full screen is big problem for me you cant see if some enemy coming near you, and you can die easy that way. Inventory shoud be opened with separrate button, skills too. R3 dosnt use much so its perfect to open inventory. We need option for buy all for scrolls potions too. Buying 1 by 1 its kind of very old. Maby something " hold to buy all scrolls". This options was avialable on PC with holding Shift. Now i didnt find it in D2R console.


Re: Potions. Potion belt can be auto-populated using R3 when you have the cursor on the belt. It will auto fill based on the first line of potions. Just fill in the original 4 and it will pull all the rest from your inventory automatically.

Additional feedback: The skill selection/level up function is atrocious on console. Press and hold to dump a bunch of points and maybe screw up your character is a bad idea. It should be one button press per point.

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Anyone else think the buttons layout for potions on PS5 are confusing?
I get it that they are trying to mimic the d-pad but they actually look like little arrows that points to the opposite direction. At first glance I found it a bit confusing.

I really hope after betas the Devs will collect and address all the feedback they get. I really want this game to be great, but right now it doesn’t look like it will - at least on consoles.

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Hej zgadzam się z Tobą w 100%. To co irytowało mnie na Ps5 widzę, że i innych irytuję. Te paski zdrowia potworów nad głowami powinny być opcjonalne, powinniśmy móc je wyłączyć, tak samo z lootem nazwy wypasanych przedmiotów nie powinny się pokazywać od razu,tylko tak jak sobie wybraliśmy. Np. gdy naciśniemy przycisk bo robi się bałagan . I wiele innych. Fajnie, że ktoś to jeszcze zauważył.

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Witam, jest kilka spraw które moim zdaniem powinny znaleźć się w finalnej wersji gry.

  1. dodanie opcji czy chcemy mieć pasek zdrowia nad głowami potworków, czy nie. Dla mnie to w ogóle niszczy przejrzystość gry. Także powinniśmy mieć wybór, czy chcemy mieć te paski nad potworkami czy na górze ekranu.
  2. Następna sprawa która psuje rozgrywkę to wypadający ekwipunek z potworów. Jeżeli walczymy z duża grupą potworów i wypadają rzeczy, to ich nazwy nie znikają póki blisko nich stoimy. Dochodzi więc do sytuacji w której mamy paski życia potworów, do tego nazwy przedmiotów na ziemi i robi się okropny bałagan nic nie widać. Jeżeli zaznaczyłem sobie w opcjach funkcję wyświetlania nazw przedmiotów po przez przytrzymanie danego przycisku na kontrolerze, to nawy nie powinny się wyświetlać póki nie nacisnę tego przycisku.
  3. Następna bardzo ważna rzecz. Gdy otwieramy menu ekwipunku dlaczego on jest na cały ekran, nie widać ani postaci, ani czy ktoś nas ataku, jaki przedmiot leży na ziemi itp. Więc dochodzi do absurdalnej sytuacji w której żeby podnieść cos z ziemi i włożyć np. do kostki musimy najpierw przerzucić cos z ekwipunku do kostki, następnie podnieść przedmiot do ekwipunku włożyć do kostki, a przedmioty które tam wcześniej włożyliśmy wyciągnąć z powrotem. a gdy będziemy mieć cały ekwipunek talizmanów ? za każdym razem wkładać i wyciągać je ??? słabe.
  4. Kolejna rzecz, ale już mniejszego kalibru. Gdy chcemy aktywować portal, to zamiast zobaczyć sama animacje aktywacji portalu najpierw włącza nam się tabelka z wyborem miejsc do teleportacji. ta opcja powinna się włączyć gdy naprawdę chcemy się przenieść, czyli za ponownym naciśnięciem przycisku, w tym przypadku (X).
  5. Można także poprawić animacje i prędkość wchodzenia po schodach, najbardziej widać to w lokacji tajemne sanktuarium, gdzie tych schodów jest dużo. animacja się gubi, blokuje się nie raz postać i jest wolna.
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Fajnie (i niefajnie) że wszyscy mamy podobne uwagi. Mam nadzieję że coś z tym zrobią przed wypuszczeniem finalnej wersji.


Just encountered a weird bug. I went to resurrect my dead rogue companion and when she spawned she was completely invisible. The only visible thing was her bow floating in the air.

Besides that I think normal arrows should be a bit more visable cause it’s hard to spot them.

P.S. Can anyone move this thread to the correct forums?